KriBaby151's forum posts
Xbox 360 gamers are rich. BioShockOwnzwe got dat green...ps3 owners are dirt poor along with their fat *** system
Umm you do know that Microsoft bought the rights to Mass Effect right?zeroncalithis guys michael pachter dosent know what he is talking about....he just blows stuff out his *** and thinks he knoews it all....mass effect will stay exclusive....EA has company , has rights....plain and simple
no i dont think it will go multi....pachter is a four eyes nerd that just runs his mouth thinkin he knows it all and what will happen and which game will go where....we could say the same thing about metal gear solid 4....will it go multi platform...who knows....only when the time comes we will know the truthcan we all just get along. any how, he doesnt confirm that Mass Effect is coming to the ps3. he just gave his opinion, just like last week he gave his opinion of MGS4 going ot the 360.
but if we go by bioshockownz logic, then PS3 owners you will be able to play Mass Effect on the ps3 in the future. because he says since th ese guys are quote " These guys are industry insiders and professinals." they know more then us. so that means by bioshockownz, you guys will be playing mass effect lol oh here is the link that bioshockownz
and here is the link that patcher says MGS4 will most like be multi plat
do i think it will go mult plat? hmm good question. most likey not, but then again since EA does own it, and they are a money hungry company. i can see it going MUlti plat.
[QUOTE="Super-Penguin"]i had a similar problem, but i got about 6-5 hours every night. i got over it by just laying down and reading a book until i felt really tired then i would fall straight to sleep. give it a try it might workMakaveli527When I try that I end up reading till it's time to go to school... Finished 5 books one night, that was my record.thats hardcore...i cant even finish one in 2 weeks:(
[QUOTE="Sgt_Crow"]Xbox 360
-Live is better then PSN, although it should be free.
-Bigger and better game library.
-Better controller, seriously what's to like about the outdated PS3 controller with the gimmicky Wiimote ripoff aka the Sixaxis? :|
-Multiplats are mostly better on 360, with the exeption of 2 or 3 titles.Phantom_Menace
-I think PSN could become better than Live, considering Live doesn't do much to improve. But, yes, it is the better of the two.
-I really think that Ps3 will gain in the game library next year. Granted, it all comes down to taste. And I'd hate to pass up games on either console.
-While I'm not a fan of the Sixaxis, I've always liked the set-up of the PS controller. Its pretty much the same set-up that's been used since the NES, just with some addition. Though the Xbox doesn't have a bad controller.
-I got nothing for the last one. Can't really argue the fact that the mulitplats are better on 360. Though what makes the consoles is the exclusives; and as I mentioned before, I'd hate to pass up games on either console.
you said live dosent do much to must not have a 360 because there are always updates bieng made to the dashboard and other thingswe dont need to convince you....also your book is obviously a bad one because the ps3 controller is so damn small...they like made it for a 2 year old...dont let us be the judge of where your money goes....get the one you want and be happyWhich one's better if you already have ps2, and an hdtv?
For PS3:
Free online
wireless controller kicks xbox's *** in my book.
For Xbox:
Halo 3, that's it.
So, convince me otherwise
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