Still waiting for the XBox 1 Emmulator... Well I guess some games work. But you generally want that at Launch to make the Transition easier, but their Developers Don't want you to have it so You'll be itching to buy some of the Launch Titles...
This is no Different from the 360. It was $299 minus a Hard Drive, but Playing online cost you Yearly. So I bought the $399 version and if I stayed with the XBox, I would have paid $399 plus $350 for Live. I guess the $499 PS3 wasn't that "Over Priced"
Ya'All just fell for Microsoft's BS. Good Job. The Same People will most likely fall for it again, because I hear A LOT of idiot 11-16 Year Olds that think the XBox has "Better" Graphics. Of course the Year Older Tech is ALWAYS Better... LOL
I mainly Play my PS3 because I got a bad taste from all the Red Rings of Death on my 1st XBox360 and having to pay $60 per person for Live.
But this game looks to be one of the Best Halos Yet.
I was scared after Bungie was no longer handling it.
I will actually have to fire the XBox360 back up again.
Got it pre-ordered, can't wait.
and to the COD dude below.
Call of Duty MultiPlayer is Lame, Guns vs Guns ONLY Multiplayer... I was doing that in the 90s with DOOM... Give me something like a Turret I can Deploy, a Vehicle I can Get in. A Sentry Bot I can deploy. I still do not get the COD multiplayer craze... it is so Vanilla. I do play COD games for Single Player which is usually great but short.
Halo MultiPlayer has so much more to offer in my Opinion. MAG still my Fav thou
The Battery Life does not bother me because I want the Graphics. I could have a 3DS with good Battery Life, but would not want to play any of the Ugly Games. Some People are all about the Gameplay, I am too... But I want it All. Network Play, Graphics, First Person Shooters... That all comes at a Cost. So I could have a Monster System with Better Battery Life -or- I can Have what I bought. The Vita. Uncharted is Awesome so far. Can't wait for Patches for Remote Play, so while the Wife and Daughter Watch TV Shows I am not Interested in, I can play Killzone 3 in Multiplayer !!
3d motorstorm made me a 3d fan. It is amazing. I like 3d more for gaming than movies myself. The reason why so many say 3d is stupid is cause they own an xbox, they said 1080p was unnecessary until the 360 could do it and suddenly it was necessary. I own both 360 and Ps3 BTW.
Before Ya All get mad and Call me a Fanboy, I own a PS3, Wii and 360. All these people saying that Sony is Copying the Wii are actually wrong... Sony had Motion Control in the Works a long long time ago... They just dragged their feet too long and it shot them in the Butt cause look at the Wii and it's Success. The Move is WAY more accurate than the Wii and maybe a little more than Kinect Because Move uses Multiple Technologies. I have not Tried Kinect so I cannot say for Sure, but Camera Alone will probably not work as Well as Camera Plus Motion Sensors. Granted Kinect has Higher Tech in it... But we will see... The Move uses Sensors Similar to Wii along with Motion+ with the Addition of the SixAxis Sensors and a Camera to Achieve True 1 to 1 Movement Tracking. Notice how on the Wii, say with Golf, sometimes your Swing Red Lines when you were doing a Small Slow Movement... The Move will not do this. I personally am Interested in the Move because I would really like to use Motion Controls in an RPG with a Shield and Sword or in a Light Saber Game. I've Tried it on the Wii and was left unimpressed cause you just learn to live with the Controls misreading what you intended. I still like my Wii for when I have company over cause Wii Sport is Just Plain Fun even with the Spotty Controls. I want the Move for Hardcore Motion Gaming. I want to Try Socom, Killzone, and MAG with what Should be accurate Motion Controls. From What I heard this will indeed work for the Hardcore. Most who have tried it in First Person Shooters said they Loved it and Were surprised that they did. They Said it had the Accuracy of Keyboard and Mouse and was Excellent for Shooters.
360 Darker Fuzzier must Equal "Better" in the Minds of those at Gamespot... Boy they Love to Start Flame Wars, Yet they Ban You and Give you a Slap on the Wrist if we do it on the Forums... The Simple Fact is that Some Developers start on the 360 and Port over to the PS3. UnCharted 2 and Killzone 2 Show that the PS3 is More than Capable. That and My Online is Free for All 4 Gamers in My Family. (That's $200 a year on Live... Yeah we share 1 profile...)
Kruegmeister's comments