Hah, when was the last time I made a blog?? long ago, really I don't know what to talk about here but today I felt like sharing some of the things that have happened to me theses past moths.
First, I finally graduated from HS last month, the ceremony was soo boring, I didn't really care about me leaving the school because I didn't really have many friends that I would miss, most of the people were just acquaintances, so yeah. During this month I have done absolutely nothing really worthy, just watch anime, read some mangas and play video games. What a boring life, no I also work a lot and it's awesome :D.
Now, while playing some visual novels(it took me some time to finish an arc the right way) I thought to myself, 'I want to make a game like this'. Yes I looked for some game engines and the first I found was the Blade Engine, yeah they paid google to be the first find, I downloaded it, and I didn't really like it, it was not what I was expecting, now I've never used a game engine before, but, it is very similar to website design, and I did some of it on HS so I understand how it works, anyways, this engine is very closed compared to others, you have to pay in order to get the full version, and no damn watermark which was the worst part of this.
After some more research I found the Ren'py Engine, and I found it not only better, but also free and way more powerful and open than the Blade Engine,it has many more feature and a better tutorial too!! if you are interested in any of these engines you can download them, but I highly recommend the Ren'py engine, which is free and no watermarks!. Also, you may be asking this right now, what kind of story are you making??? Well, I wrote a draft like 2 or three months ago, while I was still at high school, I wrote some of it on Hazon's union. If you don't feel like going there I will quote it:
-Somewhere in a dream-"Where am I?"
"You're with me, here, in a lonely world."
Why, he asked."It's because you wanted to be here, with me."
"Now, I remember, yes, I've always wanted to be with you. How long have you been here? all alone, in this world where nothing lives or dies. You needed me, I needed you, so I decided to be here." He said. "That's right, and now that you are here, I will be happy." She replied calmly.Kruiz_Bathory
This is very vague and is just the beginning of the story, I wrote down a lot more and the ending was quiet confusing to the people I showed it to, but they liked it :P, but since it's just a draft I will have to fix some things, add more story, also this(if I ever decide to start working on it) will be a kinetic novel, meaning no choices at all, just a straight path, or maybe I will add more girls and arcs, and of course different endings, but I don't really have time for that or maybe I'm just a lazy person?? :P
Now, lets see what the hell I've found or did while playing games and also in real life.
First, while playing RDR and killing a random dude I lurked his body and found some money, and guess what number it gave me? yeah 666, I found that funny, I don't know why and I took a picture of it
Also while surfing on PSN video store, I found something really weird that caught my attention, it was, episode 24 of Clannad(English dubbed, which isn't that bad), it really caught my attention because I thought I missed that episode, and you know me, I'm a Clannad fanboy so I freaked out a little and bought it xDD and to my surprise, it was just a f*ing mistake by those damn uploaders, here's the picture:
Nagisa and Tomoya, bad relationship? rumors? just I was thinking before downloading, it was TOMOYO'S ARC, not Nagisa's, I damn you PSN, which is slow as hell sometimes, xDD. This was Tomoyo's and my reaction after looking at that mistake: .
Another thing that happened recently was a fire right behind the place I work at, it was quiet big, and I took the time to take some pictures :D, here, enjoy!
They told us to leave the place, we had to wait like half hour till the fire was down and I was bored T_T.
mmm, sorry for the size of the pics, I don't feel like resizing them, it's late at night and I have to work tomorrow, I hate working sometimes, but work is work.
Well that is it for today, I hope you made it all the way here and didn't get bored and thanks for reading this crap :D
ohh one more thing, I have two new crushes, one on Kanade from Angel Beats! and Kotonoha from School Days, yes, I do like her, even though she got you know what...and Kanade she's just too cute man!
I just hate Gamespot and its stupid HTML errors, giving me some headaches....
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