@onlinevegabond: The more likely reality is simply that you believe you know more than you actually do. Your knowledge of the CIA manufactured myth really sounds like something you wouldn't know anything about.
Simple enough question, and an interesting point for debate at that. It's a shame there are so many drama queens commenting here though. It almost sounds like they might not be capable of having fun if they aren't being perceived as a dick by someone, somewhere.
@DoomSky: That would be interesting! Kinda like how the FSA and ISIS have very different ideas of how they'd like for Syria to be governed when the war ends.
"We wanted to make sure that we convey that the KPA are the occupying force and are brutal; they're doing wrong by the civilians" - Sounds like a missed opportunity to me, an adversary that questions their leadership and loyalties could make for some interesting story elements.
That said, I'm not hoping for too much from this games story, I'll be happy if they've made progress from the "bad guys there, shoot 'em" style of the first entry in the series.
Kunakai's comments