I didn't use a guide either for Ico and i never had a problem with it. Pretty much just try to get to where you havn't been, its pretty easy. The one thing about Ico though is sometimes it isn't obvious what you need to do to advance. Keep in ming that if your stuck you probably need to look for something to push/pull or a switch. I sort of got into a flow with this game to the point where when it was over I didn't think I was done until the credits were rolling, I was like "Is this it? This can't be it. Are these credits for real? I guess thats it.Huh..."
I'm talking about resident evil 2 and 3 for the cube. I know that they are just ports and not complete overhauls like REmake, but, I have never played either of these titles. I want to get them but I don't really want to drop 40 bucks on each game. However, since I have RE0, REmake and RE4 on the cube I am kind of itching to get 2 and 3 just to have the whole series. Are these worth picking up or a total waste of $$$?
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