Why doesn't Sony just keep the $499 SKU, and sell like.. a 200GB HDD for something like $159.99 or so?
That would not only give them the whole "one SKU" they want, but it would also make up the $100 sales difference for people that would want a larger HDD. Why not make use of the easy-access HDD bay, and just cover that in their warantee if taken to a Sony affiliate or whatever?
I dunno really, but this whole Price drop, product drop stuff is silly. and either way, 60-80GB is NOT a significant enough difference for anything. They should still supply at least 160GB HDD, if not 200, for a moderate price compared to the current market.
why would sony sell an HDD when its interchangeable with any sata 2.5" laptop harddrive( ok most not all) that would make no sense to the reason they made it so you can choose.
SKU= Stock Keeping Unit, just monitors items sold
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