KurupSoldr's forum posts
If your looking for where I found out about this, you can check it out over on 1up.com
you know in te past i would have cared but i dont anymore, the fact that a new football games comes out anually when they could make one every 3 years and annually just update all the rosters with an add on with the new rookies and things like that made me stop byin the football series they should just come out with a online only madden where they do this annually and you pay like 20 instead of shellin out 60 a year for the same crap
Thats Great since the graphics in the demo were nice a lot of fun but pretty difficult and no repipitive:? gameplay but the game was awesome overall and I think this is a PS3 exclusive if Ièm correct that means PS3 got its first exclusive AAA YAY!!!!!!!!!:shock:jacky531
well it was released on the xbox TWICE so i guess if your narrowng to just next gen systems yes but its not like its a new game that xbox owners have not played, to me that does not really count as an exclusive
i dont think so,i mean honestly do you go by everything they say. I find it funny when things arent going the way they should or people think they should then GS is bias, but if a game gets good scores then all of the sudden its ok. when they stop posting PS3 information then i could see a point but if games are living up to it they just are not, i mean the darkness was equal on both so whats the problem here
does this game hav online? like....people get together and have a bigninja battle?
no it doesnt but that would be cool though, have MP Ninja Clan battles would be intense heads getting cut off and crap
People on this board think it's funny not to answer other peoples questions. I'd help you, but I've never even used a headset in my life.Coodoo18
i dont think its funny but seriously it does tell you in the manual, i mean that the point of things coming with instructions so you know where to look when you have a question like that
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