it was the agency plus 2 other online games for pc/ps3 a game called free realms and dont know the other one but free realms supposely to target the girls of gaming
first off i didnt set myself up cuz i dont care i am just laughing at all the people that said how great this was going to be, i think its sad that something like this got hyped by the whole world for what endedup being 3 online games and one just for girls
i told you guys that the big news is all a fake...there are no news today that all of you been waiting for!!!!!so june 11th was one big fakeplanbfreak4eva
technically no its was not fake, there was news about 3 new online games from sony. but to say that it was a huge event was a little much and to say xbox 360 fans would be jealous yah ok that didnt do it. i knew it would be something stupid always is when that much hype is behind it.
come on 3 sony online games to help make them take that market better, and one that targets girls, tell me how this makes anyone jealous. Whatever i knew it would be something that was blown out of proportion.
I played the demo and think the game is pretty awesome, but how is the single player from a players opinion is it good enough with the online to warrant the price tag, or do most just play online etc . just curious thinking about finally picking it up. since dirt does not seem wht i thought it would be.
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