Well of course I could just buy a 3rd party adapter for around $30. :PAFK4Lifeztrue you could but now with the elite you are spending 510 plus tax for that so lets say 535$ for 65$ more you get the blu ray player which is better deal then having to fork over for the HD DVD in the event you end up wanting smething ike that, its tough choice you get all the cables you need with the elite you have to buy them if you get the ps3 so pick your poison whats more important to you and like ^^^he said you want 2 exclusives over one so just comes down to what suits your needs better
KurupSoldr's forum posts
you pretty much are answering your own question with all the pros and cons you have between both systems, it really comes down to what game you want more RFOM or gears of war, since the other two are on both systems. i have both systems and thy are both good. if you want to spend mor emoney bcuase of the blu ray get the ps3 if you dont care about that get the 360 but to go oline you pay close to the same as a ps3 if you want the wifi adapter since its 100$Alright I realize this is the Playstation 3 forum and I can tell what the majority result will be. but i figured maybe you guys can help give me some more incentive towards my purchase. The question of course is whether I should invest in a PS3 60gb or a Xbox360 Elite.
I am not biased towards any company and want the best playing experience possible. (Which in turn means i'll eventually have purchased all of the new gen consoles.)Â
Here's a few of my buying points:
1. I currently lack an HDTV but I am planning on buying at least a 26ish inch 720p HDTV.
2. A few of the games I'm wanting to purchase for each console are:
   PS3: Armored Core 4, Resistance: Fall of Man, and Motorstorm
   360: Gears of War, Armored Core 4, and GRAW2
3. I enjoy a good single-player experience more than anything, but online does have its upsides.
Pros and Cons
Integrated Wi-fi
Free Online
Upgradeable Hard-driveÂ
$600 pricetagÂ
Current lack of "must-have" games.
Current lack of rumble.Â
$480 Price tag
Current game line-up good.
Good online service (Albeit monthly payments.)
120gb HDDÂ
Lack of integrated wi-fi.
Tray-loader DVD Drive
Hardware Failures.Â
I'd just like some opinions and incentive from the PS3 community to help my decision. While I know most answers will end up as PS3, please post your reasoning and ideals behind that decision.
Your talking about one of the greatest game creators not putting out a good MGS4, especially afer he said this could be the last of the MGS franchise i think just in case it is he would want to go out on top with the best MGS ever. and i doubt this game comes out anytime before the holiday season just my opinion thoughWith only a few more months to go before its release (if the rumor about releasing date is true), so little information Kojima is giving out. I feel Kojima is at the end of his inspiration. They simply don't have enough material to show. MGS4 may not come out as what we are expecting. Do you feel the same way deep down?
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