KurupSoldr's forum posts
seriously! I'm beginning to think that they put fake betas in Qore just to get people to buy the episodes. freham2001
Yah i am a little pissed first i got screwed on the socom beta with Qore and now it looks like this too, all qore users should file a lawsuit against sony for false advertising
no matter what headset you are using bluetooth, uSB whatever as long as you go into accessory settings and change the input and ouput to your headset you will not hear anything through your tv speakers
Ummm are you sure you are on the right Channel like (Video 1, Video 2 Etc)
Try Component cables maybe your hdmi port is busted
Never seen that issue except from my direct tv box and it was broken when it was doing that so
[QUOTE="lazyhoboguy"]Well if it isnt too late for me because I was in the mood for a gory game and bought it off amazon a few days ago. I have read all the reviews and am not expecting anything amazing. I really like gory games and its y i bought this. DId anyone get any enjoyment from this game ? loljeffbase33
I would recommend it if you like the gore. It's just fun to blow people's heads and limbs off especially those dirty Muslims. The graphics are really good, and you'll literally see blood gushing out of victims.
It does come off as a generic FPS and complete on rails, but you could say the same thing about many FPS games.
LOL OMG you cant be seriuos about that statement, good for a ps2 game maybe or are you playing on a SDTV, or on drugs those are the only explanations for what you just said right there
It's rare for Toys R us to have a good sale because usually there prices for games are a rip-off.
Anyone got a list of the games on sale?
All games that come out before 18 October, but you have to wait for the games that come out on the 14th to come out of preorder status if you want them. so best to do this deal like wednesday or thursday of next week. Hopefully for some reason deadspace will get a push up on the date like it should they are the only place that has it out on the 20th
The TEG clan is starting to let new members in its bout time they practice two times a week but I think tryouts are wensday nite its hard to get in you have to put up good stats in there tryouts but if you wont to give it a try heres a link.. I have heard a bunch of people wonting to try out and when I heard bout this I thought I should post it. GOOD LUCK
This is there link
Why only the words that start with a "W" j/k nah clans like that usually only care about one thing and sure winning is good but can take away from the fun part of it sometimes
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