hd tv cause right now i have a sdtv which is alright but I know those tvs are awsome but the games go to 720 at max?son_of_akiller
it depends if your the type of person who when 1080p starts to become the norm in gaming you will care and want the tv that can get that for you if you dont care 720p is fine in my book unless you get a good deal and the money was not that big of a difference
So do you guys think I got a good deal? I bought a new Dual Shock 3 with Metal Gear Solid: Portable Ops Plus for $20.00. I'd say I made a good choice.Sethran
if you got that dual shock 3 for 20 bucks plus something else thats a steal, did the DS3 you bought come with the buttons?
So here go's my first topic so im not sure if it has been asked before..
What game or game's did you ever look forward to and bought only to realise the game was utter poo even if magazines hype the game before release day the game managed to fail on so many points. i have two#
1. Just cause looked so good on paper but what happened it was dire i traded it in 2 days later
2. devil may cry 4 same old stuff same same old head aches traded within a week
i rented just cause played it for like 20 minutes, but i have been pretty good of not making a habit of buying anymore busts i stopped getting games on launch except for games i know will be good like GTA etc.
I friggin HATE!!!! RPG's but i dont post that i am not getting FF, so i am sure no one is going to lose sleep over your choice not to get GTA4 i dont know about a Genre Gap every single game i can think of pretty much has missions
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