KurupSoldr's forum posts
GuYs I NEeD Ur HElp !!!
I WantEd To Buy TWo GaMEs !!! FrOm TheSe FOUr GaMEs
1 . GHOstHunTer
2 . SirEn
3 . BrAin LArA INternAtIoNal CRiCket 2006
4 . CRCiket 2007
5 . AbScure 2
6 . CoLD FEar
GuYs PLease Tell Me WhICh 2 GAmes ShoUld I BUy And WHy !! And i know these all are PLayStation2 GamEs and i ShoUlD Post in Ps2 forums but EVEryoNe ComEs To PS3 FOruMs so I GeT no RespoNs FROm There
If you have Cricket games listed you have worse problems than deciding what two games to pick
It was just to make navigating it easier and faster. Regular content releases on Thursday pick up this week.
Next time do a little research before bashing something.
i like the layout better but i dont know about faster, i swear it was taking a minute for stuff to load like when you click on add on content and then click on disc add ons it takes a bit for even the first game to show up, much slower than the internet based one. this one is not connected like that anymore i have heard,
You can do it, Warhawk has the ability, and I believe you can do it on Resistance: Fall of Man.Yng-ePIc
you would be correct, i think resistance is co op split screen for the SP only, could be wrong though might be both
There is no problem with PSN, as far as online gameplay goes they are identical IMO. Once you start getting into all that junk you can buy well MS has the upperhand but i dont buy much so i dont care about that, PSN advantage its FREE. So to answer honestly people are just hating, and once home comes out it will be even better than it is now.
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