KurupSoldr's forum posts
Me and my friends just got the game and when he came over we were playing and we were playing terrorist hunt, and every time he died or i died and say he or me didn't have any responds left. why dosnt the screen go to 1 player instead of have on spilt screen for a third person view when he dies. i think they should make it where if he dies it goes to 1 player screen its very annoying when its still split cause u think hes still alive.
Leave your ideas behind even any other information of any other things u think should be fixed.
[QUOTE="cipherace2008"]Were the same one would the whining ps3?I been playing COD4 for quite somtime now and today I turned on my PS3 and it told me to download version 1.20. I let it download but at around 1% to 9% it stops downloading. I dont know whats happening but I cant play online if the version dosent get downloaded. I can play online with my other games but not with this one. Anybody would probably know whats going on? I would appreciate, thanks...
^^^^what is that gibberish? just keep trying to DL it maybe try doing it wired or moving the ps3 closer but just give a nother shot it happens to some
obviously you must have amnesia and forgot about how bad COD4 online was for the first 2 and a half weeks it came out. have patience UBI will send a patch eventually.T-BAGZ31
what i dont get is why we should have to wait for a patch instead of just delaying the game until the crap works like its suppose to. should have learned from cod4 issues not do the same thing.
[QUOTE="Urizen5"]Not to "system war" here, but the 360 can't do 1080P it up converts 720, but can't do real 1080P. The game boxes really say that?? hmm looks like a printing error to me.json55
Yes, I went yesterday at EB when i compare the box ps3 can do720i and xbox live had a 1080i.
For real 720i, i have never heard of 720i, 720p 1080i 1080p but never 720i wtf is that crap you sure you can read
not sure but usually if its something on your hud it will give a brief explanation, i was just curious if it was in there since i am getting the game this week, i am sure it will state something about that in the manual though stuff like that would make sense to be in it
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