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KutexxxKitty Blog

Hello Everyone :D

Hey everyone :D

Am back from my holiday and have been for a few weeks it was actually a really good holiday but the heat was bad it was really hot out their and we were always hiding aha but it was really good. We had thunder and lightning aswell as really heavy rainfall one night and it was great because it cooled down a bit.

The mediterranean sea was a really beautiful sight and it was lovely when we went in as it was nice and cool :D.

I have started to go back onto NIER and i am actually getting somewhere in the game but the second time you fight Kaine but as a shade it is really annoying and hard has anyone got any tips on how i could defeat her and get her back to normal again? Any suggestions would be helpful :)

Thats all from me for now

Zaphina :) x

Wet, other games and books :D

Hey everyone ;) :)

Well i have finally completed WET and what a good game it is and yeah you get pissed off of getting killed or just plain dying from a pathetic drop :@ i mean the death part is kind ov a big downer on the game but i completed it and well it was good for the journey with her but on the way i met some of her enimies and what ugly buggers they turn out to be although killing them is totally amazing :) well apart from the wierd blind woman she just totally creeps me out right down to the bone and the game was really short also which was crap because i liked killing people :( ;).

I honestly dont think it was that good of a game so i wont be getting the next one but instead i will be getting AC 2 and also Alice Madness Returns :D although it is a short game but it looks totally gruesome and right down amazing :D cant wait. So since i completed that enslaved AC 1 and a few other games i really dont know what to go on so i have been reading books which is cmpletely amazing and wierd as they all seem to be about vampire's :D lol oh well.

Hope to hear from people soon :D

love y'all zaph xxx

Woop Woop :D I Finally Got It

Hey everyone :D

I know it has been a while since my last blog because i honestly still dont knw what the hell to put in them lol so i will just

make up some random **** about what happens in my life but not about the arguments and things aha :D

I have finally got Prince of Persia, and oh i am so glad people told me it was a good game and that i should get it

because they were absalutely correct :D mentioning no names Xyla :D thanx for reccommending it to me i love it.

Since i got the game i have nt been able to stop playing on it and i am really far now once i complete the game i need to

go back and collect all the light seeds which is going to be a nightmare :( oh well it will be worth it in the end :D.

Thats all from me, hope to hear from all my friends soon

Love ya all

zaphina xxx

:( My Journey To The West Has Come To An End :(

Hey Everyone

Enslaved - odyssey to the west

My Journey to the west has come to an end, the game was actually fantastic but ONLY 14 CHAPTERS!!! why why why, Ninja Theory need to make a number 2!! although thats not going to happen as they didnt reach the amount they needed to on number 1. :cry:

Yes My Journey Was Fantastic Unforunately EveryThing Good Has To Come To An End :( Oh Well Go Play It Again, Monkey And Trip Are Just So Adorably Cute Together And They Just Make The Game Come To Life With Action And Aww So Amazing :D.

Well Thats All

Zaph Out

Love Y'all :D xxx

Hey Everyone:D

Hiya Everyone :D

I know i always go on about exams but i now only have 2 left after today and then i leave school until september when i start college :D woop woop i will have all the time until then to talk to everyone :D which i so awesome. And i am so great ful that they are almost over because they were getting me really stressed and unsettled :/.

My sunburn isnt getting any better :( i think it might actually be getting worse because it hurts more than the day it happened right nw :(

well hpe to hear from you lot soon, love yous guys alot

zpahina xxx

My Journey begins :D

Hello everybody well i am guessing you wanna know what this is about so here goes :)

My journey to Cocoon begins with enemies coming from every angle me zaphina amunet lombardi is embarking on the most amazing adventure yet. With the five greatest people from this game FFXIII... Lightning...Fang...Hope...Sazh...Vanille...Serah and last but not least Snow :D.

My journey to help save this world engulfed in chaos has just begun with courage and determination to help save these people i will not be stopped at any cost. Yeah there are amazing people and also some amount of enemies but nothing will stand between me and victory i will save them and prevent untold destruction of this world.

This will be the most exciting adventure and first for Zaphina Amunet Lombardi to come across and she is not going to back down with it, this adventure I will see through till the end.

Well thats my journey and it has now begun :D

Luv Zaphina Amunet Lombardi



Hey everyone it has been a while since my last blog and i though i would add three things to this one first of all Exams mine are almost over just got 6 left and i dont have to go into school afta the 15th june so i only need to go in for my last exam on the 17th which then i will probs have pink in my hair so excited and i cant wait :).

Second of all my 16th birthday is coming up this saturday and i am soooo excited i honestly cant wait i will finally be able to play gears of war 2 and god have i been waiting for that :D.

Last of all i have been playing on NIER some more and gosh what a frustrating game although i am getting further than i was before but god it does my head in the amount of times i die :shock: oh well i have got the hang of it anyway and it is getting pretty awesome.

Thats all for now, hope to hear from y'all soon :)

Lots of Luv

Zaphina xxx

11 More day's!! :D

Omg i am so excited, well i think i know that people are wondering what the hell have you put 11 days as your blog topic for lol

Well... It is my birthday in 11 days and i will finally get to play on Gears Of War 2 :D YEY cant wait.

Thats all Lol

Luv you all tons

Zaphina xxx

Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay!

I guess your wondering why my title is Yay Yay Yay Yay Yay,

Well i just got a new charger for my laptop so i can now come back on and talk to all the amazing people on here :) Including all the people who commented on my last blog :D

P.S - All these blogs that i write are going to be about random crap because i still dont get the point in them, i dont see the point in setting a status on facebook either haha :D well this is random blog number 17 :) (no i do not count my blogs,,, jeeeeze lol :P)

Love all you amazing people

Luv Zaphina xxx


(sniff) Hey everyone

I wont be able to come on here for a while since my laptop wont work this one is not mine and plus it is a tiny thing and i cant see a thing. My laptop on the other hand is amazing but since it runs off the charger and the charged broke i wont be able to come on here and talk to my friends :cry: :cry: :cry: I have ordered a new charger so that i can go back on my laptop but it will take a couple of days to arrive but if it is not the charger then i am screwed because i have no other way of coming on here inb which if it is the laptop which is broke i wont be very happy :(

I hope to come back real soon because i will miss all the amazing people on here and talking to them is just amazing

lots of love zaphina xxx