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Need for Speed Most Wanted
Resident Evil 4
Prince of Persia
Mirror's Edge
World of Goo
Mass Effect
Burnout Paradise
Crysis Warhead
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Just Cause 2
Bionic Commando
Getting over the learning curve is hard, but accomplishable, and that's when the perfect experience erupts.
Remembering past times is always entertaining, and true to that axiom developers around the globe had somewhat taken off in re-making famous titles into next-gen monsters. Keyword: famous. Because there are probably only... Read Full Review
8 of 9 users found the following review helpfulCall of Juarez: Bound in Blood
A competent prequel bearing a few major flaws, Bound in Blood still proves itself as the pushing force of the genre.
We all remember the unexpected success Techland made back in 2007, when Call of Juarez hit the shelves and introduced interesting multi-character story, intense action and stealth sequences as well as astounding visuals ... Read Full Review
5 of 5 users found the following review helpfulOverlord II
Overlording once again with corrected mechanics is fun, but the minions alone won't be able push the game any longer.
Triumph Studios had a natural triumph back in 2007, when their unusual product by the name of Overlord hit the shelves and received a sudden warm welcome from the industry. Putting together a game that mocked every possi... Read Full Review
3 of 4 users found the following review helpfulFuel
A game misunderstood even by the developers themselves, Fuel delivers unforgettable journeys rather than arcade racing.
Codemasters are widely known for their latest driving games like Colin McRae: DiRT or Racedriver: GRID. Apart from having a few quality products in other genres(Overlord), arcade racing has really become their thing thes... Read Full Review
20 of 20 users found the following review helpfulMass Effect
Mass Effect offers incredible interstellar RPG experience coupled with a solid action element and unparalleled visuals.
Bioware, known mainly for the iconic Star Wars: Knights of The Old Republic series, suddenly decided to create something utterly different, similar, and much better than the KOToR series altogether. Mass Effect promised ... Read Full Review
8 of 9 users found the following review helpfulTransformers: Revenge of the Fallen
A somewhat more worthy representation of Transformers, Revenge of The Fallen still lacks polish, multiplayer aside.
The real problem with Transformers was that the series never even needed a good game. The movies proved to be so successful that people bought the games without thinking about the product's quality. The trick obviously w... Read Full Review
5 of 6 users found the following review helpfulPrototype (2009)
An unprecedented, but balanced sense of freedom and power make this game perfect for having sheer fun.
The ridiculously ambitious project, known as Prototype, has been in works from Radical Entertainment for many years now, and, fueled by unparalleled hype and some delays, built up an enormous fanbase who had hopes for on... Read Full Review
11 of 13 users found the following review helpfulLeft 4 Dead
The opening of a new era of coop games, yet another masterpiece from Valve, or just Left 4 Dead.
Valve has a similar reputation to Blizzard: Few games, with almost all of them being masterpieces in the genre. After torturing the Half-Life series, resurrecting Team Fortress and polishing the ingenious Portal, the tea... Read Full Review
9 of 9 users found the following review helpfulTerminator Salvation
A short and boring tale of Connor's suicide mission, Salvation fails in capturing the essence of the true Terminator.
This year's reboot of the famous apocalyptic universe starts off by McG's Terminator: Salvation, a promising sequel(And a prequel at the same time. Creepy) to the legendary series. While we can be more or less calm about... Read Full Review
2 of 3 users found the following review helpfulPortal 2
Let's put our differences behind us, and agree that Portal 2 is a masterpiece. For science. You monster.
I guess it's safe to say that a good developer isn't just defined by skill at making good games alone. I mean, all the game design experience and marketing strategies and all that stuff aside, making games is also about ... Read Full Review
1 of 1 users found the following review helpfulDead Space 2
Dead Space 2 successfully knights the franchise as the best horror IP for the last half a decade at minimum.
Inducing basic fear is one of the most controversial factors in modern entertainment; truly, regardless if you're reading a spooky book or watching an acclaimed horror flick, their effectiveness is - more often than not ... Read Full Review
5 of 6 users found the following review helpfulFar Cry 2
An immersive world, where atmosphere can't win over gameplay anymore: Ubisoft made the same mistake too many times.
From it's very announce, Far Cry 2 was classified as the all mighty response to Crysis from Ubisoft. The hype was enormous: Photorealism, physical, as well as chemical effects(Fire spreading onto trees, guided by the win... Read Full Review
11 of 11 users found the following review helpfulTransformers: The Game
Absolutely less than meets the eye, Transformers: The Game is a complete opposite to the successful film.
The Transformers game had all the chances to become just another movie-adaptation(Garbage) with a slight hint toward robot action, something that has been absent on most platforms for a while. What can be said for sure, ... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpfulAssassin's Creed: Director's Cut Edition
A contradicting masterpiece where atmosphere wins over gameplay for one simple reason: It's unique.
Note: Before starting to read the review, please don't look at the score because you won't understand it until you are at least halfway through my text. Just a little warning :P Assassin's Creed had been one of the mo... Read Full Review
6 of 6 users found the following review helpfulX-Men Origins: Wolverine (Uncaged Edition)
An amazingly diverse and long tale of Wolverine's origins, as well as the best showcase of his incredible powers.
The Wolverine game has been in works for quite a while now, in hands of the time-hardened developer of games based on comics, Raven Software(X-Men Legends, Marvel: Ultimate Alliance). The hype was intense: "The best wolv... Read Full Review
4 of 4 users found the following review helpfulTom Clancy's HAWX
While bringing nothing new in other aspects, this game should be loved just for the most cinematic gameplay ever.
H.A.W.X was announced as yet another spin-off from the popular Tom Clancy's military series. The game is not based off another book, and I honestly don't think that Clancy has any connection to it all, apart from the nam... Read Full Review
3 of 3 users found the following review helpfulCrysis Warhead
This way or another, Warhead still manages to freshen the Crysis experience, and deliver eye-popping visuals.
I guess I'll start this review with a little bit of self-experience. I played Warhead almost a year ago, as soon as it was released, because I was eager to see a fixed-up Crysis ready to earn good scores at last. I'll ta... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpfulWanted: Weapons of Fate
A steady movie-adaptation that lacks length and variety, bullet curving aside.
Wanted: Weapons of Fate has been released almost a year now since the film on which it is based on. The developers promised that all of the motion picture's trademark elements, like the famous bullet curving, would blend... Read Full Review
2 of 2 users found the following review helpfulFallout 3
The post-apocalyptic legend returns in an unbelievable success from Bethesda Game Studios.
We all know what the first two Fallouts have meant for every single gamer around the globe. We all know about their legendary, almost holy status. We waited for many years, preparing for an epic comeback of the series. B... Read Full Review
8 of 8 users found the following review helpfulMirror's Edge
DICE's First Person Parkour is a great platformer, but fails at being everything else.
When Mirror's Edge was first announced along with a couple of amazing screenshots, every single gamer in the world decided that the future was here: First person platforming, along with breathtaking tricks, optional gunp... Read Full Review
3 of 3 users found the following review helpfulMass Effect 2: Lair of the Shadow Broker
The definitive ME2 DLC, this pack has it all: fresh new characters, a contributive story, and evolution of gameplay.
There are many games which are bad. Not a newsflash, is it? Some are mediocre with single-sided strengths at a few aspects, some fall apart commercially or are generally overlooked, and some are so awful, so incomplete i... Read Full Review
3 of 3 users found the following review helpfulBurnout Paradise: The Ultimate Box
The adrenaline-filled arcade game makes it to the PC, and shoots out with a bang.
The Burnout series have always been one of the most popular racing games on consoles. The last part, Paradise(2008), has introduced the series to a bucket of next-gen features, like free-roaming, metal deformation and HD... Read Full Review
4 of 5 users found the following review helpfulNeed for Speed: Hot Pursuit
One of the most polished, self-contained, solid, and true-to-the-roots arcade and game in the general sense.
The Need for Speed evolution truly is a force to be reckoned with. Starting off as a stylishly simple, but captivating racing series with a knack for exotic races across spectacular landscapes, the innovative arcade from... Read Full Review
2 of 5 users found the following review helpfulStar Wars: The Force Unleashed II
Better technically, tad bit flashier gameplay-wise, disastrously shallow in its prime aspect as a Star Wars tale.
As a gap-filling bonus chapter for a die-hard fan craving for more insight into the original 6-episode Star Wars lore, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed was great: everything starting from the intricate story to the complex... Read Full Review
4 of 4 users found the following review helpfulTransformers: War for Cybertron
War for Cybertron brings true TPS dynamics to the unique world of Transformers, jumping years ahead the prior games.
A franchise grown from a famous toy line, Transformers is one of the most recognizable sci-fi brands in the world. As of this day, the universe counts hundreds of cartoon episodes, several animated movies, two relatively... Read Full Review
2 of 3 users found the following review helpfulPrince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
An unnecessary, but surprisingly fun-to-play addition to a franchise quickly losing its charm.
The Prince of Persia franchise is an interestingly unique representative of the videogame industry. While other game series are famed along with all their sequels and spin-offs, the fantasy world created by Jordan Mechne... Read Full Review
2 of 4 users found the following review helpfulSplit/Second
Burnout meets Michael Bay, albeit for a split second.
When it comes down to it, the main problem with differentiating driving simulators with arcade racers isn't really about comparing their loadouts of licensed cars or analyzing the vehicle handling with surgical attention... Read Full Review
6 of 7 users found the following review helpful
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