User Reviews & Ratings

Average Score 8.0/10
  1. 10
  2. 9
  3. 8
  4. 7
  5. 6
  6. 5
  7. 4
  8. 3
  9. 2
  10. 1
  • Rating:8

    Final Fantasy X (Mega Hits!)

  • Rating:8.5

    Final Fantasy XII

  • Rating:9

    The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (Limited Edition)

  • Rating:9

    The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

  • Rating:9

    The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

  • Rating:8.2

    Xenosaga Episode I Reloaded: Chikara e no Ishi

  • Rating:8.3

    Xenosaga Episode II: Jenseits von Gut und Bose

  • Rating:9

    Super Mario Galaxy

  • Rating:8

    Guitar Hero

  • Rating:9

    Animal Crossing

  • Rating:7.5

    Mario & Sonic at the Olympic Games

  • Rating:2

    Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (w/Guitar)

  • Rating:8.5

    Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance

  • Rating:8.5

    Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones

  • Rating:8

    Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories

  • Rating:9

    Kingdom Hearts

  • Rating:8.5

    Kingdom Hearts II

  • Rating:7.5

    Fullmetal Alchemist 2: Curse of the Crimson Elixir

  • Rating:9

    Castlevania Double Pack

  • Rating:7.5

    Battalion Wars

  • Rating:9


  • Rating:8

    Gears of War

  • Rating:9
    Fallout 3 is an outstanding reboot to a time-honored series.

    Fallout 3

    Fallout 3 is an outstanding reboot to a time-honored series.

    "…War? War never changes." So says the narrator during the opening cinematic of Bethesda's Fallout 3. Is it true that war doesn't change? If one compares Fallout 3 to the previous two entries in the series, then yes, ... Read Full Review

    2 of 2 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:8
    Many gameplay innovations and a witty script make Super Paper Mario a truly unique experience.

    Super Paper Mario

    Many gameplay innovations and a witty script make Super Paper Mario a truly unique experience.

    The highly acclaimed Paper Mario series has been praised for its artistic and creative innovations. The first two games were unique in the fact that they were role-playing games, but fused with some light platforming ele... Read Full Review

    14 of 14 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:8
    Great characters, witty writing, and superb music make Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney quite the experience.

    Gyakuten Saiban: Yomigaeru Gyakuten (Limited Edition)

    Great characters, witty writing, and superb music make Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney quite the experience.

    Who would ever think that a game of the visual novel genre would ever be popular in North America and Europe? For those of you who don't know, visual novel games aren't even really games at all. They are usually characte... Read Full Review

    13 of 14 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:9
    The first real 3D Mario platformer in over 10 years, and it delivers!

    Super Mario Galaxy

    The first real 3D Mario platformer in over 10 years, and it delivers!

    It was over 10 years in the making, but finally, the true successor to Super Mario 64 has been thrust upon Nintendo fans! Now don't get me wrong, Super Mario Sunshine on the GameCube was a decent game. Personally, I play... Read Full Review

    8 of 8 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:8.5
    Phantom Hourglass innovates the Zelda series with touch controls, but keeps to its roots.

    Zelda no Densetsu: Mugen no Sunadokei

    Phantom Hourglass innovates the Zelda series with touch controls, but keeps to its roots.

    With the advent of the Nintendo DS back in 2004, it was only a matter of time before a new Zelda game was developed for it. How long did it take to be released on the dual-screened handheld? Almost three years. Was it wo... Read Full Review

    6 of 6 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:8
    Elite Beat Agents is a quirky rhythm game that should keep you occupied for quite a while.

    Elite Beat Agents

    Elite Beat Agents is a quirky rhythm game that should keep you occupied for quite a while.

    Some of you import crazy gamers will know of a Japanese DS game by the name of Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan. In Ouendan, you play as three cheerleaders who go out and solve people’s problems by dancing. You have to hit on-scree... Read Full Review

    6 of 6 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:8.5
    FFTA provides a long, rewarding, and addictive Tactical RPG that will appeal to fans of the series and genre.

    Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

    FFTA provides a long, rewarding, and addictive Tactical RPG that will appeal to fans of the series and genre.

    Marche Radiuju is a new student at a school in the town of St. Ivalice. During a quick snowball fight in school, he quickly befriends two other students named Ritz and Mewt, who each have their own set of troubles. After... Read Full Review

    15 of 15 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:9
    Great narrative and brilliant characters make Tales of Symphonia a lengthy RPG that most people will simply adore.

    Tales of Symphonia

    Great narrative and brilliant characters make Tales of Symphonia a lengthy RPG that most people will simply adore.

    The world of Sylvarant is dying. Its mana supply is running low, and the goddess Martel is in a deep slumber. The only one who can restore the land back to its splendor is the Chosen One, who must embark on The Journey o... Read Full Review

    15 of 15 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:8.5
    Hotel Dusk is a great adventure with a brilliant story, but some will skip it because of the massive amount of text.

    Hotel Dusk: Room 215

    Hotel Dusk is a great adventure with a brilliant story, but some will skip it because of the massive amount of text.

    You are Kyle Hyde, 33 years old. Former cop turned door-to-door salesman, you're in search of your friend Brian Bradley. Three years ago, he turned on you while you were both on the force and gave special information to ... Read Full Review

    6 of 9 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:7.5
    WarioWare: Smooth Moves won't last you long, but it provides a plethora of wacky mini games that are plenty of fun.

    WarioWare: Smooth Moves

    WarioWare: Smooth Moves won't last you long, but it provides a plethora of wacky mini games that are plenty of fun.

    WarioWare: Smooth Moves is a game that was released a few months after the Wii’s launch. It’s somewhat of a follow-up to WarioWare: Touched on the DS. It’s a collection of mini games that make use of the Wii’s motion sen... Read Full Review

    5 of 6 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:9
    A new control scheme and a 30 dollar price tag make Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition a must buy for everyone.

    BioHazard 4: Wii Edition

    A new control scheme and a 30 dollar price tag make Resident Evil 4: Wii Edition a must buy for everyone.

    If you’re reading this right now, you’ve either played some iteration of Resident Evil 4, and maybe beaten between 1 and 100 times, or you’ve never played the game. Either way, this version of the game is a must buy for ... Read Full Review

    10 of 10 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:8.5
    Although Pokemon Diamond and Pearl are more of the same, that isn't a necessarily a bad thing.

    Pocket Monsters Pearl

    Although Pokemon Diamond and Pearl are more of the same, that isn't a necessarily a bad thing.

    Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl are the latest entries in the handheld series, and bring plenty of new content to the table, while still giving players the same Pokemon they’ve experienced time and time again for the p... Read Full Review

    7 of 7 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:8.5
    Although Pokemon Diamond and Pearl are more of the same, that isn't a necessarily a bad thing.

    Pocket Monsters Diamond

    Although Pokemon Diamond and Pearl are more of the same, that isn't a necessarily a bad thing.

    Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl are the latest entries in the handheld series, and bring plenty of new content to the table, while still giving players the same Pokemon they’ve experienced time and time again for the p... Read Full Review

    6 of 7 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:8.5
    Phoenix Wright's trio of courtroom adventures goes out with a huge bang!

    Gyakuten Saiban 3 (Best Price!)

    Phoenix Wright's trio of courtroom adventures goes out with a huge bang!

    Three games deep into the series and the Ace Attorney franchise is still kicking. Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations is the third GBA to DS port and the last game in the Phoenix Wright trio of the Ace A... Read Full Review

    8 of 8 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:9
    Creating a perfect example of a quality JRPG, Persona 4 masters the traditional yet doesn't shy away from being unique.

    Persona 4

    Creating a perfect example of a quality JRPG, Persona 4 masters the traditional yet doesn't shy away from being unique.

    Persona 4 does not reinvent the wheel. Persona 4 does not do anything particularly innovative. What Persona 4 does, however, is perfect every aspect of its predecessor, and, in turn, become the paradigm for what we know ... Read Full Review

    4 of 4 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:7.5
    Justice For All provides more of the courtside action fans yearn for, but the overall plot leaves a bit to be desired.

    Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All

    Justice For All provides more of the courtside action fans yearn for, but the overall plot leaves a bit to be desired.

    "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." This expression, broken English and all, applies to so many games that have come our way. Whether this be a positive or negative thing, that aspect is left up to the players. With P... Read Full Review

    7 of 7 users found the following review helpful
  • Rating:8
    FFXIII's fast-paced battle system is just what the series needed.

    Final Fantasy XIII

    FFXIII's fast-paced battle system is just what the series needed.

    Reactions to the release of Final Fantasy XIII were nearly identical to the consumer's attitude toward the music industry these days. As an avid fan of contemporary music, I've noticed much backlash on the message boards... Read Full Review

    1 of 2 users found the following review helpful