why are Orcs so easy to kill???
by LOTRhobbits on Comments
Hi, this is my first blog and definitly one of the many to come. Now although this isnt exactly the most important topic and reading this wont exactly do much. But is it me or are orcs made out to be the easiest thing to kill on middle earth. I mean even Bilbo seems to have more of a fight in him than those who live in the depths of Mordor. Everywhere i look be it the films or the games i always get the same impression, that they have got the strength of rose petel. I just want them to be a little harder to kill. I just think the people who make the game need to change this. But making them to hard to kill and it will seem as if every Orc you fight seems like a cave troll. Adding more will them change it into an everlasting battle like Chuck Greene trying to kill about 72 000 Zombies, i mean who has that amount of free time. So thats why people dont mension this stuff to the developers cause then it would change for the worse. LOTRhobbits
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