Conker's Bad Fur Day is by far my favorite game ever. The fact that this game was on the 64 is crazy considering how good the graphics are. The sound effects and recorded dialogue are insane. I didn't think that cartridges could do half the things that this game does. It's not the technical stuff that makes me like this game so much though, it's the crazy dialogue and movie parodies. This game pokes fun at many films from Reservoir Dogs, Clockwork Orange, The Matrix, Terminator, Saving Private Ryan, Jaws, Alien, Gladiator, etc. The boss fights are hilarious and once you meet a character you will never forget who they were and what they did. Missions range from helping a drunk bee pollinate a flower, helping catfish escape a dogfish, fighting a huge pile of crap that sings opera music, saving a rat from killer teddy bears, etc. The amount of profanity is nice and the way they censor some of them so that you hear the bleep is hilarious. It even has fun multiplayer modes. All this on one cartridge INSANE.This game does so many things that it would take too long to explain everything. If you have not played this game you must have been under a rock or something. If you can play it on the 64 if you have one, don't get the xbox version it sucks.
LURCH87 Blog
I Resently Got A Dualshock 3 Controller
by LURCH87 on Comments
I know it has been out for awhile, but I was a little hesitant to buy it at first. Now that I have one it was worth it for what it adds back to games, the feeling that you are in the game. Most of my PS3 games support rumble and that is the main reason I bought one. It is not as strong as the Dualshock 2, but it gets the job done. It is more subtle and does not shake your hand to death like the Dualshock 2 did. Playing GTA IV with rumble is nice because you can feel the differences in each gun.With shotguns and assault rifles making the Dualshock 3 rumble the most. If you do not want the cell phone to interrupt you while you listen to music put it on vibrate.:D I have not tried all my games that support it because I have been playing GTA IV all day, maybe later.:lol:
Grand Theft Auto IV Is Finally Here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
by LURCH87 on Comments
I got Grand theft Auto IV on Tuesday and man it was worth the wait. I'll be posting things that I have done on the game soon once I get further in the game. For now I'll just tell you to watch some TV, not real TV but the TV in the game. I'm Rich and Republican Space Rangers are hilarious. I haven't watched every TV show yet though, so see what else is on. The commercials are funny also especially Waning with the Stars, the Burger Shot one, and WIC Insurance. I'd also like to here what you are doing on the game too.:D
10 Funny Scenes From Harold & Kumar [No Spoilers]
by LURCH87 on Comments
These are some funny scenes from the new Harold & Kumar: Escape From Gauntanamo Bay movie. You might not understand what I'm talking about now, but if you see the movie you will.:lol:
1.Neil Patrick Harris
2.Plane Bong
3.Bottomless Party
4.Redneck Dude
5.Grape Soda Scene
6.George Bush
7.White Girl Photo/ This Is America
8.Chinese Translator
9.Kumar's Threesome Dream
10.Ron (secret service guy) Dancing On Plane
My 5 Favorite Anime Shows
by LURCH87 on Comments
1. Afro Samurai- I like this show because of the stylized violence, great soundtrack, and creative characters. How often do you see a samurai with an afro that's just cool. The story is cool even if it is a little predictable (Ninja Ninja), but getting revenge has never been this much fun to watch. The art work is nicely drawn with a great mix of light and dark. Watching the directors cut is a must though for the extra violence, blood, and deleted scenes that are added back into the episodes. I can't wait till next season and the new game.
FAVORITE CHARACTER: AFRO (Duh) but KUMA comes in close second. I also like BROTHER 6 he's mad cool. Reminds me of myself and how I tune out everything with my headphones on.
2. Cowboy Bebop- Bebop was a great show while it was on because of the way the action was in sync with the music. The characters are complex and unique which makes watching the show that much better. Vicious is a very cool character and the violence is also over the top yet realistic. There are also guns o' plenty which is fine by me.
3. Samurai Champloo- Samurai Champloo is made by the same people who made Cowboy Bebop, so I was destined to like this show immediately. Like Bebop, Champloo's soundtrack is in sync with the music. Champloo also fuses Hip Hop with Japanese culture making a crazy, but tight mix. I like the way the characters contrast each other.
4. Death Note- Death Note is one of the best new anime shows in a while. The story is so complex and it keeps you on the edge of your seat wanting to know what happens next. The plot twists are insane and mind blowing. The characters are also on point with their different vices and quirkiness. It's a dark anime because it deals with people dieing every episode, but you can't help but sympathize with Light because he just wants a crime free world. I'm mad that Japan is already finished with the show and we are trying to catch up over here in the US. If I could understand Japanese I would watch those episodes because I can't wait to see what happens.
FAVORITE CHARCTER: L even though he recently died a couple of episodes ago.
5. Bleach- To be honest with you I really don't watch Bleach as much as I do my other shows. This show made the list because I couldn't think of another anime that I watch enough to make this list. Don't get me wrong Bleach isn't a bad show it's just boring sometimes because of all the dialog. When the action starts however you can quickly forgive the show for talking too damn much. This show is mad violent and bloody and the swords and stuff are just plain cool. I don't watch the show enough to understand all the transformation and soul stuff, I just like watching the fights and the cool characters.
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