not a fan of the layout it's too busy if that makes sense.
LURCH87's forum posts
he has always been an actor. most people know him from ps3 ads. i know him from that one episode of everybody loves raymond and various commercials.
like everyone else mgs4
hell yeah my favorite dreamcast game. just hope the music does not have licensing problems. i was beginning to think this would never happen because of music licensing related stuff.
real men play with sticks...err...uhm that came out wrong :lol:
demo is a total tease LOL. trying not to play it too much since it is just a demo. then ridernet updates me on how someone beat my score and im sucked back in.
you should give it a try, it's incredibly fun and doesn't seem to take anything away from the single player.
This. I'm getting it to finish the story but the co-op is a fun extra to play with friends.
lovin the customization in it, and if anyone's curious Bioware has confimred that any MP progress you make in the demo will carry over to the full release
nothing carries over from demo. this has been said plenty of times on the offical forums.
anything you need to know about characters can be found here. LINK
Wait, people actually care about leaderboards?
exactly i do not get it either
sony headset does not work properly on this game, so i just turn mic off.
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