ps plus games are not free. that is like saying netflix movies are free. it is a subscription service and when it runs out your "free" games go with it. avatars and themes however are free since you keep them, but who cares about those. :roll:
sorry this happened to you, but first rule of rpgs is to make multiple saves. when was your last manual save? hopefully it was not too far back in the story.
i have gotten a few requests already and i plan on adding the rest of the people in this thread later on today. more friends on this game equals more chances for money.
rockstar was scarred of mass effect 3 and street fighter x tekken releasing around the same time. the game is probably done they just want a fair chance at making their revenue back. it has been so long since max payne 2 they need to plan this right or it will not meet expectations sales-wise.
i downloaded split/second because it was only $10. i honestly can not see why people payed $60 for it. it is so barebones and the computer is really cheap.
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