takes too many bullets to kill people even without armor
might buy it might not because it gets pretty fun when you unlock stuff. it all depends on if they fix most of the cons i listed. i will be waiting on some through reviews before i make a decision. this is a demo so im not expecting much to change however.
Well I'm doing another playthrough on Insanity now.. only 5 more trophies till the plat. Should I go NG+ or just start fresh?
NG+ is harder than starting a new game. Although you start off with all your powers and weapons, you have to redo all of you upgrades, and enemies are automatically scaled to your level making them tougher to kill.
NG+ is glitched on PS3
your powers and guns do not carry over
so you are basically making it even harder on yourself if you do NG+ on PS3 until they fix it
while in lobby waiting for your turn you can not spectate match (you just see health bars decrease), can not save replays, no survival mode, no time-attack,etc.
Wow, i'm surprised those features weren't added in the game. Survival mode has never been available in Marvel vs Capcom. This is a 3 on 3 game it wont make sense. The replay saving is not big deal.
won't make sense? you do know how survival modes work right? endless waves until you die and you only get marginal health after each fight. this would be great in MvC3. imagine getting pretty far in survival, but all your teammates are dead and your facing sentinel, magneto, and storm by yourself. that would be intense. replay saving is great when you have a nice match online and want to show friends. it also aids in learning specific peoples patterns when they fight online.
no problem then if those things do not bother you, but my friends and i are spoiled by games like blazblue, SSF4, etc. those things should be standard in any competitive fighting game these days.
The fact that those free games are taken away from you the second you un-subscribe is probably the big issue. Not sure how that works, exactly (do they get removed from your console or is it just your download privileges that are revoked?), but that's a strong enough reason for anyone not to take the jump.
Personally, I think it looks like a fine service. I wouldn't subscribe to it, though, only because I'm plenty content with the basic service offers.
exactly you do not own any of the "free" games, dlc, etc
rather spend money on stuff i will actually own and want then on a service hoping to get the stuff i want for free or discounted
my friend's and i were going to buy it, but blazblue is still our 2d fighting game of choice
plus mvc3 is lacking a bunch of features that are standard with most fighting games now
Could you tell me what the game is lacking?
while in lobby waiting for your turn you can not spectate match (you just see health bars decrease), can not save replays, no survival mode, no time-attack,etc.
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