LadyMazy's forum posts
I'm a Harvest Moon fan myself. One reason I got the PSP was because they're going to be porting my favorite version of the game to to the PSP (HM: BTN). I think it's suppose to be coming out next month. Hopefully. Innocent life isn't that bad (I bought it.) but it definitely doesn't live up to other Harvest Moons.
There's Harvest Moon for the DS (if you're looking at the DS as an option), which is a good game if you can survive the glitches. And the GBA HM games play on it as well. Rune Factory, which is a fantasy version of the game, should be coming out anywhere from the beginning of July till sometime in mid-August. I read somewhere that they're also planning on translating HM DS for Girl as well. And then they're supposed to be coming out with yet another Harvest Moon, which has something to do with an island that grows with you.
I recently bought Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth, which is a good RPG for the PSP. It's a port from a PS1 game, so the graphics are a bit dated (aside from the new CG cutscenes.), but the sprites are still beautifully animated and the story is good. You have to do a lot watching the game though, but I personally didn't mind because I like that sort of thing. I haven't really tried any other RPGs yet, though I'm looking for them.
Riviera: The Promised Land is another port (from the GBA)that's coming to the PSP that's going to be week? It's suppose to be a really good game. I'm planning on getting it at some point.
LocoRoco. You only have to use three buttons, but it's awesome. Daxter is a good game too. My seven year old brother likes it. But he also liked Monster Hunter, which is a much harder game...
There aren't many games out right now that I like either. And the one I did really like? Glitched to heck and back. All the same, I'm not going to get rid of my DS. There are a few games that I'm looking forward to that are going to be coming out. I'd say just wait it out, maybe take a break from the DS. There's going to be a game that you're going to want eventually.Or if you have nothing better to do, sell the games you know you're never going to play again and look into getting some new ones.
Have you played Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney? I don't think you can go wrong with this one. Unless you don't like to do a lot of reading.
I'd say it's one of the better games for the DS. But whether or not you should get it depends on your personal tastes. It's a sleepy game and, in some ways, it's really repetitive, but you can find something new every time you turn the game on. There's just only so much you can do in one sitting. The game literally runs in real time, so if it's night where you live, then it'll be night time in the game (unless you set your clock to a time that's different from your own). The game also changes with the seasons and with the new seasons you have different things bugs to catch, fish, etc.
You also have neighbors in the game that you can interact with. Every once in a while one will move out or a new one will move in. There's a lot of potential neighbors that you can get, all with quirky personalities.
Is there anything you really want to know about it?
After a long and angonizing process, I'm planning on picking up one myself. The best thing to do is look at the games before you buy the system. Have you taken a look at the games? What some think is a good game might not be a good game to others. Depends on your likes and dislikes. Might help to specify that. =D
You can hook up via Wi-Fi to play multi-player games. But you have to either be in a hot spot or have a router in your home to do so, if I'm not mistaken.
I decided to get it only because I have a small list of games I like that's out now and there's quite a few that's not out yet that I'm really interested in. Just glancing over the games, I would say if you liked shooters and racing games, you're all set. Haha. Not my cup of tea though.
But, seriously, I really suggest looking over the games yourself and look at the reviews. Most people are in here because they either like the PSP or they're thinking about getting it, so most of them are probably going to say it's cool.
I don't actually have a PSP, this is just stuff I've gathered from reading up a lot on it and looking through these forums. =3
Sid Meier's Pirates? I, personally, think the game is fantastic. I've only played it on the PC (I intend on getting it on the PSP.) but, from my understanding, it should be about the same. It's got a storyline that you can follow, if you're that type of person. But you don't have to follow it because the game is very open ended. I've never actually followed the story to the end, so I can't tell you how good that particular aspect of the game is. You can basically do what you want, which is what I like the best. You can choose who you want to ally with (the Spanish...the British...etc.) if you want to ally with any of them at all. You can also age, or, at least, you can in the PC version. And you watch yourself age as time passes in the game. I think this adds a really nice touch, though the more you age, the harder things get. Eventually, you have to retire and you get a ranking based off of the things you did while playing the game.
After you retire you have to start completely over. But that didn't really bother me. The replay value of this game is great as you can do whatever you want and get different results. However, doing some things do get a bit repetitive. Never really bothered me. Go away for a while and then come back to the game...and it's almost as good as new.
So, I highly recommend it. But I did only play the PC version, though I don't think much as changed from the handheld version. I took a look at the reviews and such and it didn't seem like it. Hope I helped a little, if at all!
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