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Lady_Celest Blog

have to say I'm awfull proud of it

Cause I'd recently started engaging myself in the activities of the Avatar: TLA Forum I got to thinking of a pair of characters I'd thought about toing a fan comic for it. I had the Idea for this Fan comic about the time i had the ideas for the W.I.T.C.H. one i'm working on. Obviously I chose to do the W.I.T.C.H. one in stead of the avatar one. There were more plotholes to exsploit in W.I.T.C.H. and it had ended while avatar hasn't yet. anywho! i simply adored those characters and I'm not giving up on them so easily. Exspect to see them in one of my origional comics.

The above pic is Tao Jin.... She may not be called that when I insert her into my origional comic... but her personality and whatnot will remain close.

Oneirophobia- Fear of Dreams

I may have already done this tired to check.

I think I have worms

this is the same journal as what's on DA but! I'm in need of an update.

no worries, a couple doses of black walnut will clear that right up. You know 85 % of americans have worms.... I'm not sure about the rest of the world though. It be something to look into. I went through a de-worming back when I was a kid, I figured It would be good to go through another complete system wash-out. As nasty as I feel all the time.

Anywho... working on putting a storybord to music I may or may not put it up on youtube.... well I probably will, just when I should is schetchy to me I do so love/hate reveiling secrets.

P.S. I'm gone between dec 23 and Jan 5

Phobia! (do i need to say it?)

Asymmetriphobia- Fear of asymmetrical things.

Balance is all fine and dandy but some just take it to far I guess...

Skipping Thanksgiving

is Montana the only place that bothers to celebrate thanksgiving anymore or is it just me. Back in my hometown we'ed be seeing cornocopias, turkies, and other thanksgiving-zy stuffs around town this time of year. but here in the big city they skipped right to christmas.... Time laps much? I'd say it speeks a bit about a place.... and not in a positive way


Sitophobia or Sitiophobia- Fear of food or eating.

Happy Holloween

Busy quarter indeed. But this time it's enjoyable for the most part. I've even had a magnificent breakthrough while brainstorming one of my many comics.... unfortunatly it wasn't the breakthroughI was hopeing for, but beggars can't be choosers. and guess what.... I gots a Taaaablet.

because I know you've missed it^^

Genuphobia- Fear of knees.

R.I.P. Madeleine L'engle

Ladies and Gentlemen, as of yesterday September 07, 2007 A great Person and Author passed away. Of course I speak of Madeleine L'engle author of "A Wrinkle in Time" "Meet the Austons" and other wonderfull books.

I admit to not have read all her books.... in fact i haven't read much beyond the wrinkle in time series (because that's all we had at our library). And I hope to read more....If that confusticated library acctually has some decent books.. Never mind that. Here's to the woman who's inspired so many.


Just cause I can

Not much work on any of my free-time comics.... but my homework for Desktop Video is turning out wicked....Considering my ineptitude with technology of course. Adobe premiere is a heck-of-a-lot times easier to work with that Windows Movie maker I'll tell you WHAT. That one is definitely going to Youtube when finished for y'all to see my funness project.

In other news I'm coming to a very important plot point in my comic (that no doubt most people have already figured out) and that makes me very excited, and also very vexed thatI can't dedicate more time to the wretched thing.

I'm very proud of this

this is just funny I think


Cherophobia- Fear of gaiety.