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Lady_Celest Blog


I think I've figured out why my import on my Windows Media deally doesn't work anymore, One of my DivX deallys the DivX Converter has just expired its 15 day trial (If anyone could tell me if that sounds right I'd greatly appreciate it^^)

Secondly I wrote my first review... I'm not to good at blowing smoke on stuff so I'm kinda proud of that.

And lastly, I got reeeeeaaaaallllly bored in my Basic computer's class.  This joke's probably already been done but it was fun to do anyway^^

Sailor W.I.T.C.H.

I did the outfits from memory so if they are a little off that would be why... (the Lady Warlords in human disguise are the outer senshi...if you're wondering). Feel free to question me on why certain girls are Cos-playing certain Senshi.^^  They make sence I swear.


Leukophobia- Fear of the color white.

yet another color Phobia...

Oooo looky there

Shiny new level six^^

in other news The new chapter is up in my fanfic! huzzah!  I hope I'm getting better at this.

I called the chapter I Will Be Your Friend really because I couldn't think of a better song title than that, and it sums it well enough.

In other news MY MOVIE MAKER IS ON THE FRIZ AGAIN! It refiewses to import files!  First it tells me to check the codec box in the options, and I do, and even after closeing and restarting it just doesn't work!!! Anyone else have this sort of problem?


Kakorrhaphiophobia- Fear of failure or defeat.

I am back!

Just as it says Ladies and Gentlemen! I have internet again!  Huzzah! 

My fanfic hasn't gotten as far as I've hoped on type, but the ideas are comming fast and furious!  I compleated two character Ideas which turned out so nifty^^.

You meet Loki Eventually in the fic I'm working on now

Manasa You don't meet until the next

As I have things standing now, I might not even get to put the Lady Warlords into the third, but there is room for a fourth and I might just do that as a follow up.^^


Carnophobia- Fear of meat.

CW I have not forgotten you!

I have five out of Six of the boys finished!  I merely have to draw Matthew and they will be done!  Don't lose faith in me boy-o!  I will have them all to you within the week if all goes as it should.

In other news  I and my "esteemed" friend Ally have proven once again that we should not be left alone together.  In our nonsense and chatter we have brainstormed a fabulously silly notion.  I said once before I used to live in Montana in what is technically refereed to as a "Village" as it was in a valley.  And in dedication to this, this day is the birth day in literature of "The Village hidden in the Weeds"  In reference of course to Naruto.  It was Ally that came up with the name, though I would have prefereed "Village hidden in the Cow Manure."  But seeing's how our emblem was a tumble weed (rather than a sign of doo with flies around it or something of that sort) Weeds seemed more appropriate.  This has the makings of a most ridiculous Fan Fic.^^


Coprophobia or Scatophobia- fear of Fecal matter, feces

I couldn't help myself.


I am informing you that my roomate is moving out ant taking the internet with her. Bleh! thus I won't be on as often. Do not worry CW I will get your projects to you as soon as they are finished.

Ooooo! Looky!

I made a shnazzy new banner featuring my Lady Warlords (from left to right Mab, Charon, Eris, Celest).  It's kinda funny lookin' up there though.  Eris looks like she's Peekin' from behind the Controbutions, and you can't see the Watches...Except on the repeat Mab on the end.  I redesigned Mab's hair I like that Shurly Temple thing a bit better, it's Cuter.

and for all you Interested in knowing what the Kanji over the Henshins mean From left to right.

Serenity/Endurance, Loyalty, Obediance, Piety or Nin, Chu, Tei, Ko.  I suppos that will make sence when I've acctually written the fic with them in it.

Oh! and CW if you're reading this, I can go on with your project until I get those re-designs you said you wanted. Drew.T.F hasen't even TOLD me what he wanted.

And the Phobia of the day is...

"Ideophobia- Fear of ideas."

I love these question thingys!

I Found this somwhere in a friend journal on Gaia and I decided to do it myself.^^

Ok, Here's what you need to do.

It's all in fun.

1. First Name: Betsy

2. Were you named after anyone? a cow....oy veh

3. Do you wish on stars? nope....I'd wish on something a genie

4. When did you last cry? when slicing onions (I had no gum)

5. Do you like your handwriting? yes....(fai words from you)

6. What is your favorite lunch meat? .....Huh

7. What is your birth date? may 15

8. What is your most embarrassing CD? is a CD embarrassing

9. If you were another person, would YOU be friends with you? I am friends with me....don't put too much thought into that

10. Are you a daredevil? Whooo-hoo-oo!......yes

12. Do looks matter? Do Eyes matter

13. How do you release anger? meditation.....It takes care of the voices too

14. Where is your second home? heaven. (what can I say...It was a good deal)

15. Do you trust others easily? when fish do the tango

16. What was your favorite toy as a child? kitty!

17. What ****in high school do you think was totally useless? P.E. (No not because I hate strenuous physical's because of the lack of physical activity......Stupid political correctness.)

18. Do you have a journal? ....*looks at page*....I'm gonna have to say...yes.

19. Do you use sarcasm a lot? no, of course not (perfect example of a paradox)

20. What are your nicknames? .....there aren't enough pixles in cyborspace....But my faves are "Warlord of Noodles" "Shoe Ninja" "Byrdi" "Bushbaby" "Dipsy Gypsy" and "Captain Deloris"

21. Would you bungee jump? no....where's the thrill?

22. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? What are these things called shoes.

23. Do you think that you are strong? nope..Hence....I am a noodle.

24. What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Vanilla.....Other than that I am a wakadoo eccentric.

25. Shoe Size? 6 or 61/2 will do, most of the time.

26. red/pink? Ah...the leader colors.... I still prefer the underdog but....Red.

27. What is your least favorite thing about yourself? I dunno...I'll go ask a flamer.

28. Who do you miss most? ......

29. Do you want everyone you send this to send it back? Meh...

30. What color pants and shoes are you wearing? brown pants and seriously... what is a shoe?

31. What are you listening to right now? comedy....

32. Last thing you ate? coffee...yum

33. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? green...need I say more

34. What is the weather like right now? know you are in a sad conversation when you start talking about the weather.

35. Last person you talked to on the phone? tiamaatrial

36. The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Their gender......

37. Do you like the person who sent this to you? Yes.

42. Favorite Drink? tea

43. Favorite Sport? karate

44. Hair Color? Strawberry blond

45. Eye Color? green/gray (one's more green than the other)

46. Do you wear contacts? Nope.

47. Favorite Food? mango

48. Last Movie You Watched? .....I dunno....

4 9. Favorite Day Of The Year? no day is the same....I won't know what's my favorite until I pass on.

50. Scary Movies Or Happy Endings? combination of the two.

51. Summer Or Winter? autumn or spring

52. Hugs OR Kisses? ....bleh

53. What Is Your Favorite Dessert?Kuchen, IfI had to choose one

54. Who Is Most Likely To Respond? someone who likes commenting

55. Who Is Least Likely To Respond? someone who doesn't like commenting.

56. Living Arrangements? in my house.

57. What Books Are You Reading? bible... and redwall...

58. What's On Your Mouse Pad? dell.

62. What did you watch last night? anime....I'm sure.

63. Favorite Smells? rain.

64. Rolling Stones or Beatles? ....bleh

65. Do you believe in Evolution or Creation? Creation.

66. What's the furthest you've been from home? Here *points to palm of hand in mitten shape (betcha can't guess what I mean)*

Feel free to do it yourself if you wanna.... I always enjoy this sort of thing myself.


"Sinistrophobia- Fear of things to the left or left-handed"

Animation nonsence

I had to make an animation for a class and I'm kinda proud of it (being new at this and all) Ain' it nifty?

And! to all those reading my fic Chapters 5 and 6 are up consecutively because I felt bad about not updating for a month

Also the preview to my first music video Which isn't going so well.  Firstly, any episode I download for clips don't work right.  All I get is sound, no picture (although, I've only tried one sight as of yet).  I have it all worked out in my head... It's just that the resorces escape me T_T.

Phobia is...

"Technophobia.-Fear of Technology"

Because it hates me.


If you are makeing Vanilla French Toast and decide to add a bit more vanilla Ext. a while into the Frying prosses,  STAND BACK! I singed myself a bit on that one

Since I have had some inquiries upon my appearance (and I haven't had much time to draw myself)  So I just summed it up in a nutshell with this doll here.

none of the clothes match much to what I wear so  I just came as close as I could

and here for all to see is the eyeliner joke

It's fun to joke about the little stupid things.^^   Later on after I had it posted I thought that it might have been funnier if I featured Phobos and Cedric rather than Phobos and Corn-flake^^ Oh well  too late now.

Phobia of the day!

"Anablephobia- Fear of looking up"

*sigh*... They will never see the Piano comming.....