@meatz666 @LalchandTudu Thanks for the info....the fact is that I prefer quality...and my pc delivers it to me....seamless 60fps and 1080p quality....It is always about the quality
So much hype for Xbox one and PS4..and all we get is 30fps....No wonder why everyone is jealous of PC. It may not have the exclusives like consoles.... But the PC delivers exclusive quality..that console never does.
movies based on video games were never a great idea.....even if this movies comes out good....It will still remain as a one time entertainer. Sad..........but it is a hard truth.
It is not the games that are the problems...The main problems are the idiots who blame the games for the mass murder.....The real fact is that people who are responsible for mass murder or genocides have criminal mentality a kind of psychophants.....Then why blame us gamers who play the games for fun only and we never apply such violence in real world. Coz we know that this level of violence is meant for the virtual world not real world.
LalchandTudu's comments