Just keeps getting better and better. Wish they had these in higher rez though these screens don't do the amazing graphics of generations enough justice.
Sonic 2 is my all time favorite 16 bit platformer period, but if the 3D games keep this crazy **** up we might be getting closer and closer to a 3D game topping it. Check out the pre alpha of City Escape Demo from E-3 > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fc2RMHir8nU
Hell that City Escape Video doesn't even display half of the paths you can take either.
It looks like I'm watching a freakin' pixtar moive going at 300 mph+
Fantastic Visuals and Artistic Vision. The water before entering the cave...stop and look at that detail. It has to be one the best looking water graphics in gaming.
(And know it doesn't have to be brown looking like MW3 to be good looking)
Edit: And these visuals are still being worked on..thier not done yet.
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