man cows ran away when they found out CBOAT was off by 390k+
LanceSSJ's forum posts
LOL, you cows got stomped. Got quiet in here after it was a 400K+ gap. trolled by cboat
Add another game that cant do AF on PS4 - Strider , Thief , Murdered better on X1 :P. Flame shield activated.
Murdered: Soul Suspect is the latest title that shows a remarkable frame-rate difference between the PS4 and Xbox One, with Airtight Games' release harking back to the 60/30fps divide seen most dramatically in Square-Enix stable-mate, Tomb Raider Definitive Edition. In this case of this release, it's an interesting technical decision that has significant consequences for the experience on Sony's console - both good and bad - and raises an interesting question. Does a mammoth increase in raw frame-rate significantly improve the gameplay experience for this type of game, and are the drawbacks with its specific implementation enough to make Xbox One's capped 30fps the better choice?
As an adventure game with mild action and stealth elements that expand upon the core exploration and crime-scene investigation features, low-latency controls aren't required to really enjoy Murdered: Soul Suspect. However, while running at 60fps still benefits gameplay by providing silky-smooth motion that lower frame-rates simply cannot match, there's definitely a sense that the raw performance throughput of the PS4 game comes at the expense of overall polish. The DirectX 11 Xbox One and PC versions both feel pretty solid, while the faster PS4 title exhibits more noticeable gameplay and rendering bugs, making things feel a little rough around the edges - despite the obvious love and attention that has gone into crafting the atmospheric environments and interesting premise. Things start off promisingly enough with both console versions implementing a native 1080p presentation, and this is backed up by a light layer of post-process anti-aliasing that subtracts a small amount of shimmer from edges without eroding too much sharpness from the overall image. Some texture blur is present, and while this robs the artwork of its most intricate details, the overall impact is milder and less intrusive than many of the post-process solutions we've seen in the past.
However, on a more fundamental level there are a few things that obviously stand out when exploring the gloomy town of Salem. Firstly, Unreal Engine 3 relies on streaming textures and other assets in order to better manage memory usage and the overall rendering load. Transitions between LOD models are generally handled a touch more quickly on the PS4 and PC compared to the Xbox One, but texture streaming is noticeable more buggy on Sony's system, leading to low-resolution artwork displayed on-screen, sometimes on a permanent basis. Texture filtering is also palpably worse on the PS4: both PC and Xbox One versions of Soul Suspect utilise 16x AF (anisotropic filtering), while the effect on Sony's console is noticeably lower, resulting in details becoming blurred when view from a distance. Meanwhile, PC owners get higher-resolution real-time shadows, although it has to be said that this element of the visual make-up looks quite rough on all three platforms.
DF Murdered - Article here.
Posted for the lulz
This is sad news. Ill probably strill buy it... maybe.
Im getting titanfall and I still want Tomb Raider when its cheaper....hmmm
man 1707x960 is much better then 960x1080
since killzone MP looked amazing at half HD then 960p is amazing
lol I'm sure 75% or more buy for multiplayer on CoD and BF
oh my PS4. Sub HD KZ now less redo
recent stream by Microsoft’s Director of Programming Major Nelson has been analysed, revealing that the forthcoming Xbox One Twitch app broadcasts at 720p and 30fps.
Reddit user roti did the research using a tool called Twitch Analyzer. The results outstrip those of the PlayStation 4’s equivalent functionality, which streams at 540p and 30fps.
You can see the full results of the test, which includes loads of other info, through here.
Twitch is coming to Xbox One on March 11th, just in time for the release of Titanfall. Microsoft says that the streaming app will include archiving functionality, something that the PS4 currently lacks.
The funny thing is ALL X1 games are BLURRY but their HALF HD Killzone MP looks upscaled perfectly....hmmmm how the tides have turned
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