I like how yall are trying your DAMNEST to downplay titanfall. The X1 version and Bundle is in top 10's of amazons best sellers. Its going to be a good bump. not huge I think more people will buy an X1 or the X1 version then you all want to think
I personally Love my X1. Dead Rising 3 TO ME is the best exclusive either console has right now. All of the multiplats being better on PS4 does make me upset at times but it is what it is. BF4 was still fun on X1 ETC. I plan on getting Tomb Raider when its around 30$ too.
Lets be honest, revolutionary or not, Titanfall is MASSIVE fun. ME and my brother have a blast. That said I understand people saying its just COD but its truly not. I had more fun on TF then the last couple CODs period.
I do hope the X1 gets some nice RPGs and non forza/gears/halo exclusives.
IMO X1 exclusives destroy PS4 eclusives ATM but PS has huge exclusives that are amazing yet to be released
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