My friends are too smart for that =( there goes my little ray of hope X3 [s]But as long as there is a legit Arceus out there, there's a chance I might one day get one.[/s] Strike that, a graphite lead thin chance someone might give up on pokemon, with a much smaller chance that I'll get there game/pokemon (With an even smaller chance that they'll have Arceus) because I don't think anyone would give it away...
I can always help get some pokemon in your pokedex when you get far enough to need the national (after beating the elite four), but most of the pokemon I'd either need you to trade back, or just have to tell you who to fight to see one X3 Also... me and Cresselia are having the most intense game of tag... ever.
I want to hear about every legendary Pokemon you have, what you don't have, and what you'd trade for one. Mine: Palkia Dialga [Origin Forme] Giratina Uxie Mesprit Azelf Rotom (not really legendary) But I'd do anything to have Arceus... I have every plate for him and everything, but I doubt that I'll be able to get him from a nintendo event if they ever have one in america.
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