Honestly, they should. I've been mostly a Xbox console gamer since inception. I have a PS2, but haven't got a PS3 yet. When I finally go to the next gen, it's going to be PS4 all the way. And hell, Steambox sounds as appealing, if not more. Xbox has officially become the lazy, generic casual gaming console. I cannot wait to see Microsoft's losses. Funny thing is, I work in retail and do not mind selling Windows 8 PC's over Apple. But man, their business practises are near criminal.
The internet is a breeding ground for hate. It's a shame but it's the the truth. Personally, if I feel negative about things I don't even bother to comment on them. Nobody wants to hear needless hate. Constructive criticism and praise? Yes, feel free.
People still play those Pokemon games? I admit, I played Red back in the day and it was fun as all hell. I'm still surprised that Pokemon still has a following.. Then again, so does Dragonball Z.
I don't consider their ability to change a strength in this particular case. They realized they lost customers like myself and freaked out for purely monetary reasons. I am not buying a Xbone. I'll enjoy my 360, but when the day comes it's PS4 for this jaded consumer.
Larouche911's comments