Snes - 64 - Gc - WIi Original Gameboy - GB Colour - DS Though i rather enjoy my PC gaming too and have had extensive time on friends PS2's and Xboxes
The basic contention i got from this thread was "I hate Nintendo because they are smarter than Sony and Microsoft". This was almost a pro Nintendo post.
Nintendo wouldnt make an upright stand for the Wii if it would cause cd scratches. Im pretty sure you will be safe with it upright.
waaaa waaaa waaaa waaaa waaaa waaaa waaaa waaaa waaaa waaaa waaaa waaaa Die in a fire baby mario!! Yoshi is now the new god of patience!
I cant believe people care so much about this Home/Mii thing. Focus on the games people! The games! Not some stupid avatars or something.
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