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#1 Latinbro1
Member since 2005 • 723 Posts
I really thought long and hard before getting my PS3 (granted, I got it a few days after lunch at its regular price then). I've owned many consoles -- including the PS1, Ps2, and PSP -- and it really came down to the fact that I hadn't really had a bad experience with the Playstation products. Now, I wantted to take the gamble on the 360 like I did back with the PS1, but nothing stood out. I guess B/C compatibility played a role in my decision as I gave my PS2 to my sis but kept most of the games. Yes, the BD player played a role too. PSP remote play also entized me. And as stupid as this sounds, I like the D-pad and feel to the overall controller on the PS prodcuts. Nintendo'sd-pad just sticks out too much and MS's feels to sunk in in that wheel like pad. Plus I like the R&C series, God of War series and whatever team Ico throws at us (now I like Naughty Dog and expect good stuff for the PS3 from them based on Uncharted; but that is now after a yr of owning the system). Beleive me though, I actually made mental lists of pros and cons to owning a next gen console from only gaming ,f online fees, peripherals, lasting appeal, etc. (grad school, work, and life dosn't really allow me to spend that much time on one console, let alone 2 or 3).... and yes, I find ways to procrastinate.. This is one of those things.
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#2 Latinbro1
Member since 2005 • 723 Posts
All I'll say is GS has not reported it yet. good job on keeping up GS
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#3 Latinbro1
Member since 2005 • 723 Posts

oh, I want to be part of this ongoing debate.. Gears or Uncharted? I own Uncharted and played Gears a a friends. My conclusions? They are both great and do something different with their gameplay elements. Gears is all about cover and shoot with steroid abusing freaks and Uncharted is cover and shot w/ some platforming in the mix. Cover systems are pretty much identical (what differs is the animation, and I like uncharted animations better). The other tihng that differs is the reload mechanic (Gears has one). Enemy AI? Uncharted has a better AI IMO. Some one complained about the AI moving near explosive barrels... of course they will, it's a game! how else will you get an oportunity to shoot a barrel and see your enemies fly. I guess we need to tell developers to stop putting barrels, poor AI just keep giving us the oportunity to blow 'em up and it's just not fun. Weapons? Gears has slightly better weapons simply 'cuz hey are somewhat futuristic. Is the cover system a rip off of Gears? well, that is assuming Gears is the first and only game w/ a cover system. If you say yes then you my friend are an idiot, and have not played Killswitch or winback, or ignored those and have made me write a run-on sentence because of your idiosy. Gear has an apocalyptic feel to it while Uncharted is in a jungle (which is probably the only thing similar to tomb raider). They are both great games with their unique integration of other elements with the cover system end of story. On a side note, I am playing uncharted on hard and then on crushing.
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#4 Latinbro1
Member since 2005 • 723 Posts

[QUOTE="Latinbro1"]What about that young Snake we saw in the first trailer a while back?Denji

According to Ryan Payton, Young Snake was just another joke by Kojima. It was just implemented in the trailer to make fans go nuts!

I knew that from Day 1. People did go nuts over that, even went as far as to say that the main character is Big Boss, and some idiot even said Solidus lol

I knew it was a joke or a message thing, but I said "if it was really apart of the game, it'd be a pre-mission thing like The Tanker in MGS2"

I was thinking it would've been cool to see a cut-scene or play a mission b4 snake got old. or simply unlock young snake

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#5 Latinbro1
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if Big Boss does make it in MGS4 I'd like to see how they do it. Will he be an AI? Wil, he somhow be revived with some sort of sci-fi technology? Will, he be cloned down to his memories making him the perfect duplicate? What about that young Snake we saw in the first trailer a while back?
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#6 Latinbro1
Member since 2005 • 723 Posts

I'll give u my opinion on Tuesday when I get the game. Based on the demo I'd say it is really good! I will say that ND's small staff has not only created a new engine but created a beautiful game that showcases that engine.

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#7 Latinbro1
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I use compressed air cans to blow the dust off, and when my PS3 is off I use those monitor wipes to give it that nice clean shine again.
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#8 Latinbro1
Member since 2005 • 723 Posts
like the above said, PS3's hardware is reliable. As for games, there is still this beleif that the PS3 has no games. Yet, last time I checked it had about 100+ titles out. Just like the 360, not all are worth a buy. As of right now there are at least a dosen really good games out for the system (some multi-platform and some exclusives).
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#9 Latinbro1
Member since 2005 • 723 Posts
If aeron reviews it, he might give it a 7.5 for having an identity crisis, j/k. Seriously, whether GS gives it a 9 or a 7 should stop you from trying ithis game out if you were bent on buying it anyways. And though the site is buttom line responsible for the score, it is still up to the individual reviewer to rate the game. Which makes me wish that every game was reviewed by 3 people and given an overall score but that would probably not be productive for GS, IGN, 1up, and others..
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#10 Latinbro1
Member since 2005 • 723 Posts

I never really had overly hyped expectations of the PS3, thus I don't feel like I've been waiting for stuff! Now that everyone is talking about XMB it has sparked some interest but not frustration. Not all the features I want are there but the ones that are are nice. in regards to games, i've been playing my PS3 on a continual basis since Sigma came out over the summer. So, I'm not disappointd in the games either. Everything depends on personal perspective.

Currently playing: Warhawk, Everyday Shooter, R&C (all of them), & Resistance fall of man.

Awaiting this yr: Uncharted, Assassins Creed, Haze