I was the lucky 100th customer to enter gamestop on November 8. i got my reserved Modern Warfare 3 PLUS Playstation Eye, Playstation Move, Playstation Motion Controller, And Playstation Bluetooth Headset!!!!!!. I love myself.
Before i bought my ps3 bluetooth [Which works amazing] i used my webcam's mic. It works as a audio device too! You might just have something around the house that could work for your ps3..
I was playing halo reach at my friend's house and was amazed how many things you can do on it. For instance, creating your own map or even your own game! And i notice that there was a whole list of type of games you can play on reach not just team deathmatch, capture the flag, etc Is there any game on the Ps3 that has something near that?? i want the Map creating especially! [btw i do have killzone so don't suggest that]
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