Leardo_mcleard's forum posts
Well it worked once somehow. Then out router broke after having it for 2 hours so we had to order a new one. It came today and when I try setting it up again it doesn't friggen work.
I'm using a wireless connection and heresexactly what I do.
[Internet Connection Settings] -> Wireless -> WLAN Settings -Scan -> (Select my router) -> WLAN security settings - None -> Address settings - Easy -> [Checking network configuration] -> IP address settings - Automatic -> Do notset DHCP Hostname -> DNS Settings - Automatic -> MTU - Automatic -> Do not use proxy server -> Enabke UPnP ->TestConnection
Thenit won't obtainthe IP address. It just keeps saying failed. I even entered it in myself at one point and it still failed. Why the frig can't it be as easy as it was for the PS2 online.
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