That is so sweet, Mafia 1 kicked GTA 3's ass and vice city's, it's just a far better game. Better Gameplay,Better Weapons,Better Time Period,Sweeter Cars and your mafia not some random modern day gangsta
LedZeppelin1977's forum posts
religion is just an out dated form of answers.
It was what people believed thousands of years ago, to answer there questions
Religion is like a windows 95, they had nothing else at that time
Science is like a Vista,
I love when people say God was always there it's to hard for us to comprehend thats just pure lazziness
so to all those people I say
"ok then try me"
Easy Answer
He didn't
Theres no point in this arguement Atheists are to aragant to listen to Christians
and Christians are to aragant to listen to atheists
Nice, im glad he didn't go into science otherwise we wouldn't have one of the best bands that ever played
and he kicks ass at guitar (one of the best)
No, I found this while listening to chris rock about rap music, he said yeah it youst to be cool in the 80's but now you can't defend things like move b**** i wanna get out the f***** way.
And he's right. rock is definetley the domminent form of music
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