Gaming hasn't been great since 2011 imo. Hopefully that changes next year.
Legend500's forum posts
Looks excellent, haven't been this excited about a game since Dragon Quest VIII on the PS4. Will be the best RPG since then easily.
Remake FF6! Not even a full hd remake (which would end up ruining the atmosphere and general feel of the game imo), but remake it with FF9 graphics and static backgrounds.
Sol Campbell!? Are you for real EA? Sol Campbell in a LEGENDS roster!!? WTF?
If they're going to sit on the Timesplitters IP then I couldn't give a monkeys.
Very disappointed with this. The world is so lifeless and lacks any depth, as does the gameplay. There is nothing interesting to find and all of the NPCs are just vendors. My big fear was that this game would be a shallow experience like Borderlands but it is even worse than that! Very little enemy variety too and the side missions are so repetitive. I was literally sent to the same location on 4 different side quests where my objective was to stand on a pipe until a bar filled up. What the hell were they thinking? Massively disappointing game.
Bungie is a company. The aim of a company is to make money. If you feel "betrayed" or "stabbed in the back" by a company then it is time to readjust your thought process.
Titanfall died really, really quickly. Thought it was supposed to be the new COD/Halo?
Women portrayed poorly in Rainbow Six, Bad guy in Far Cry 4 is both racist and homophobic, not enough gay characters in games. All irrelevant problems that only the most sensitive, butthurt of people will cry about.
Looks too ambitious imo. I have a feeling this will all end in tears.
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