I'm a Playstation fan and I'm disappointed in this game. The gameplay was that linear that it looked like a light gun shooter where you just move from cover to cover. There is an unnecessary amount of stupid, pointless cutscenes like where it takes 2 minutes to watch 2 guys jump over a gap, something that should be done IN GAME in about 1 second. I really hope that they have more to show and this is actually a non linear adventure where you can go around London and get quests and then venture out into Resident Evil 4 style areas that require backtracking and investigation. I hope the gameplay is more varied than the generic stuff we've seen so far and there are things like puzzles to keep it fresh. Still early so only time will tell.
Legend500's forum posts
Is it really open world? Where you can go around and get quests like Deus Ex: Human Revolution? Hope it has a good atmosphere and is creepy and scary. I really loved Deadly Shadows and hope this is similar.
What makes her such a special character, exactly? This is an honest question. Any Final Fantasy title made within the past 10 years or so I'm out of the loop on.
Absolutely nothing. They really milked the fact that she is a female main character and idiots bought into it. Terrible character as with everyone in FFXIII.
Super, super niche community that actually likes this character. I personally think that she is a horrible character in a terrible trilogy. Toriyama needs to lose his job for the sake of the series because he hasn't got a fucking clue what he is doing and looks to anime cliches and 5 year old style writing in games. I'd even rather Tidus or Vaan return in future games than this.
Amazon is a better company than Microsoft so yes.
Why is there some guy signing in the battle music at the end? Sounds terrible. Don't think that this will have a scratch on the amazing soundtrack Xenoblade had. Still looks amazing though.
Hopefully they're finished with that piece of shit. They make what is universally agreed to be the worst game in the series and decide to milk it and shove and unliked crappy character down everyones throats. Makes absolutely no sense and I'm 100% sure Square Enix lose some money on this shitty idiotic project.
Negative. Witcher is too much of a "nerd-centric" video game to have a mass appeal. Normal, fun loving people still outnumber nerds 100 to 1.
Mass Effect has got to be one of the nerdiest games ever made. In fact I would argue that the Witcher would have a more appealing setting due to the recent rise of the fantasy genre in Game of Thrones and Skyrim, two things that a sh!t load of "normal people" immensely enjoyed. Both games are awesome though and tbh I couldn't give a f*ck what is nerd centric.
The Evil Within is the spiritual successor to the greatest game ever made. Its not even going to be close.
Destiny will destroy TitanFall in sales, quality, review scores and number of players online. Even if we just count Destiny on Xbox One vs TitanFall on Xbox One, Destiny will outsell it by a considerable margin, never even mind the PS4 version which will outsell all. I don't see any real world hype for TitanFall. Just forum and game website hype. I've talked to people in the real world who are excited about Destiny and don't even know what TitanFall is. If you look at it on social media there is way, way more hype for Destiny. It won't even be close.
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