It's the same thing with religion and politics.We are right what ever you think is wrong.Like Puritanism. LOL.
You can buy HDMI cables separetly, I know because I've seen them at Best Buy.It will just cost you an extra like $40, I think I'm not exactly sure how much they cost.
HazeMade by Free Radical who made FPS like TimeSplitters, GoldenEye, and Perfect Dark. I can't even add up how much these games took out of my life.4 player Co-op mode online, bots, multiplayer campaign matches,etc.ZOMG!!!!!!I'm so excited for this game, that I might...........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*heart attack
I'm in Purgatory right now waiting to get into Heaven. Apparently they have the Internet up here. I fell asleep when my 360 got the RROD. It overheated so much that it caught on fire.It burned down my house with me inside it. Too bad you can't file a lawsuit up here.Wait, they are letting me in!!Later DUDES!!!!
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