Sounds good hopefully 2009 is the turning point of the PS3. 2008 was a great year and it began the great push we're catching up.G-Legend
Yeah I am assuming it is because RPG's take a fairly large amount of time to develop so..........maybe 2009 will be the big RPG year for ps3 and Sony did not announce they were working on them before because they did not want to be rushed. I like 2009 already lol!!!!
Listen to what the kid has to say and if you get confused then listen to what the poster above said and find a quick guide. DO NOT go on with the story because if you do then you will not be able to return and do the wonder's quests later.....It's a one time chance!
Vandal Hearts (the first one) for ps1!! Best game ever IMO! Radiata Stories for ps2!! Very fun! Xenosaga Series for ps2!! Didn't beat them but plan on doing so in the near future!
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