[QUOTE="LesFinalFantasy"]Here's one gigantic fact. 99.9% ( Lysol strength) of so called "Gamers" who have stated that apparently PC gaming is inferior to consoles ALL share one thing in common.
They haven't owned a high end PC. They haven't played log enough to make an educated decision. They're ALL full of CRAP, play a game for 5 minutes on a friends PC, and out of jealously state "Oh, i didn't like it"
Whatever to all of you. You're a console gamer for one reason. It's economic, casual fun. You don't have the money for a gaming PC, and i don't want to hear "I don't want to waste my money on a gaming PC" BS to that. YES you do. Who doesn't want a beast computer? It's like chooisng a Ford Pinto over a Fararri. Your console gets stomped hardware wise, and quite frankly, mature people who actually have a job play PC games, so we actually don't care about money.
Your arguments are that over a childs; with this stupid money issue and somehow appeal problems. You simply haven't played PC games in the manor they should have been played, and you obviously don't have the means to. There's 1 million ways to use a gaming PC other than it's main purpose. You can do unlimited tasks. With a console you're MAYBE able to do a few other things than gaming, which ALL by the way mimic the PC. I.E. Web browsing, Instant message style chatting.
Blah. Consoles are washed down, PC immiatators. It's cool if that's your personal opinion, but you attempt to turn your opinions into facts. Consoles do NOT top PC games in graphics, sound, visual or any other possible means. We've been at a high resolutuon since 1995. You DO NOT know the meaning of high definition. You scratch the surface, while PC games have been far above.
The main point i'm making..is this; you haven't gamed enough into PC games. You don't own a high end gaming PC. You then proceed to make statments and facts about how the PC isn't NEARLY as good as your budget console. I don't make factual statments about consoles that i haven't played, so it's not quite okay for you to do the same for the PC....when we can obviously tell you haven't even explored the entire region and possibilities.
Good day.
Ummm no, I'd love a high end pc your right but maybe an imac not a gaming pc. I don't care how "washed down" my consoles are they're funner than a comp I don't care about RTS or MMO. Anything else is on my wii60
The biggest problem is; YOU CONSOLE FANBOYS WILL NOT admit that your consoles are indeed washed down PC's. They run the same hardware components and render the same things. Yet they're largly under powered and you brag and boast about how good this game looks, when the PC has been spanking you in the graphics department since DAY one your consoles launched. I'm not bragging about the PC graphics to just brag, i'm just stating...if you're gonna proclaim consoles looks better, then i'm going to just have to lay down the facts and bring back some people to reality.
They're not gonna hand you this magical console that can out produce a $2000 PC's graphics, for a mear $400-500..yet some people still believe they would and infact have. You DO NOT have the leet box 1000. You have a 7 series graphics card, 512mb of RAM and an entry level dual core style CPU. ( I know it's more than 2 cores. Just comparing power wise)
Most people also disregard the other uses of a gaming PC. Gaming PC's are the most powerful of all computers. You can use them for photoshop, internet, multimedia, DVD burning...music, games, videos...jeeze anything you can think of. You're spending your money for that also...NOT just games. It's not like that computer will only play games and that's it. You act like its obsolete for every other task and it can only hope of playing Crysis, and that's it.
This isn't about PC's being better than consoles. It's about posers who pretend to know what they're talking about. Who make these statments and are TRULY convinced about certain known false ideas. The facts remain. Most people who hate gaming PC's, don't have the money for one. They've also never spent a good month playing on one. Just because you don't own something, doesn't mean you can't be a fan. I know a lot of people have self pride about what systems they own, but c'mon. It's like me hating a Ferarri just because i don't own one. YEAH RIGHT..my ass would hop in one the second i was able to.
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