console name: marcus
LessThanMarcus' forum posts
I am getting my 360 pro in a few days. (Saturday) which is AMAZING!!!!!
Buuuttttt I want to MAKE SURE it lasts a longtime.
Can you guys tell me ALL the best ways to take care of it? Where to keep it and all those things?
sorry but eventually it will die, its microsofts way of stealing more money from the consumers, all my friends xboxes have died (one has been through 3 already) and mine just died yesterday... hopefully yours will break under warranty though..
well my 360 has been freezing in the middle of games, so i unhook everything take the HD-DVD drive off of it and move it into my TV stand slot. I also wiped around the area where the 360 is and below it and all of that, i hooked everything back up except my internet line (gold membership expired) and the HD-DVD cord and it works fine now. Anyone have any idea what was going on?
your xbox is in its last stages of life, im gonna guess youve had your xbox for a little over a year. hopefully you are still under warranty, if not then join the club
If what you are talking about is what happened to me, I shortly got the three red lights on my 360. I made a blog post about it with screenshots if you want to take a look. Jeremy_Kemp
wow my xbox shows the checker effect as yours. like ive said before, its all in microsofts scheme to get you to either send it in and spend over 200 dollars or just buy a new one. once you send it in they probably do something very simple to fix it.
What did it receive an update for?
Have you experienced problems with Xbox Live before?
When was your 360 made (if you know) ?
Again - this is just Murphy's Law. These questions might be able to help solve why your 360 gets RODs.
i dont know what the update was for, all it said was it needed to update, probably microsoft sending software to crash my machine i wouldnt doubt it, purchased my 360 april of last year
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