Mac wouldnt have to get so elaborate as to make an ironman to blast his way out the cave. Hes been in similar situations many times. Knowing him he woulld probably powderize the iron oxide in the paint cans laying around the facility, or some such crap, with some aluminum scrapings and scrape the rust off the surrounding objects of metal and what not. Then use an old battery and connect the positive and negative terminals to god knows what, and blow the whole area to high heaven. Then escape on his flying bicycle airglider that he whipped together during the last hour using his bed sheet. Easy peezy.
This sentence is **** because today we know for 80% certainty there is no God and no afterlife. When we die, that's it. There is nothing anymore. Science has shown us with 80% certainty that there very likely is no God and also no afterlife.
80 percent huh? Those odds ar preeeetty good. ya for real, 80 percent is tough to argue.
[QUOTE="Lethargika"]Nobody knows if there is a God, or if there is judgment in the end.pariah3
This sentence is **** because today we know for 80% certainty there is no God and no afterlife. When we die, that's it. There is nothing anymore. Science has shown us with 80% certainty that there very likely is no God and also no afterlife.
Maybe it's Last Guardian. It's been delayed so they can implement the game with MOVE.
Even if it's Last Guardian, we probably won't see it until next year. I honestly don't care at this point. I only buy good exclusives for the PS3 anyways. Nothing else. I wouldnt say i flat out dont care. I still want to see a finished product just as much as I did on the day the puppy-bird dragon trailer broke. "Focusing my anticipation elsewhere" is more the phrase i would use.
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