Hey everybody. I made a new banner for my Profile. I made new Tags', Blog Header and Banner on Seven Sins Union too! Check it out if you want. And join if you want too. I am making a new Union based on World of Warcraft too. CutieAshley22 will host it for me and she will pass me Leader. Hope you will like it.
Leviathan620 Blog
New "Player" tag.
by Leviathan620 on Comments

Hope for a Win and a new Siggie!
by Leviathan620 on Comments

New Avatar!
by Leviathan620 on Comments

Greatest Villain 2010 Artistic Contest.
by Leviathan620 on Comments
Mhm. Artistic Contest for the Greatest Villains of all Times. Now for 2010. Who is going to be? Who people submitted the most? I chose Sephiroth. Definately Sephiroth. Well I didn't really know what to pick... I was between Vergil and Sephiroth... Vergil is Dante's brother and he was a real trouble for him... And well I was about to pick up Vergil since it was Dantes brother...You know same blood...Family and he did this to him...
But oh well, Sephiroth is a real bad@$$ :P And Cloud is keep killing him and Sephiroth keeps coming back :lol:. So yeah I chose Sephiroth :P.
By the way if somebody wants to take part on the contest click here.
For those who want to see what I've done, they can check out Sephiroths, Vergils, Diablos, Revolver Ocelots, Arthas campaign.
Have fun :D
Oh Em Gee....
by Leviathan620 on Comments
Now this is freaking anoying... I am trying to upload a banner image to my images and it's saying that the upload is completed and image is not in any of my freaking albums.................. How the hell am I suppose to take place on the contest without uploading the image... I hate this stupid rule saying . Host the image on Game-Spot... Why not photobucket? Where is the difference.......
Nevermind this Blog :P I was so angry :shock:
New Blog.
by Leviathan620 on Comments
I have no idea what to put as a "New Blog Post" so I modified my Blog... I was bored and wanted to make animations I can use somewhere. Here you go.:lol:
I will continue playing World of Warcraft as I am waiting for my Union Members to wake up or get active :P
Master of my fate, captain of my soul.
by Leviathan620 on Comments
Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.
In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.
Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid
It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate:
I am the captain of my soul.
It's ironic, isn't it? Black people back in the past, pasted from a lot racism. White slaved them and they made their lives an actual hell. One man,Nelson Mandela, one black man changed everything. Even if had passed from 25 years of slavery from the "white" he went out off the jail, became a president, and he managed to make Black-n-White one. That's what I call a Legend. You know there is a commercial about a Drink. The commercial says this:
"There was a time that giants lived on earth, I stay they still exist. Inside some men, men with giant hearts with giant will"
Well I believe that Nelson Mandela was one of those giants and the best president that world had. Even though I doubt that there will be a time of another president having Mandela's will. But even after Mandela's action, making the world better and destroying some massive levels of racism. Racism still exists. Isn't it sad? That people mark each other from their color and from their country? I mean difference is what makes everyone unique, isn't it?
:WARNING: I am not a racist and this Blog Post is ANTI - Racist. (In case some people misunderstood the post, sorry it's not my fault.)
Road To Zion
by Leviathan620 on Comments
>Put Your iTunes (or other music player) on Shuffle.
>For each question, press the next button to get your answer.
>You must write down the name of the song no matter how silly it sounds!
>Put any comments in brackets after the song name.
>Tag at least 10 friends.
>Anyone tagged has to do it, cause if I have to do it... so do you!
1. If someone says, "Is This Okay?" You Say:
- Eminem - Bagpipes from Baghdad ( If I would say this the person that asked this would think I am nuts...)
2. How would you describe yourself?
- Eminem - Insane ( That is strange... But ermm well it's true xD)
3. What do you like in a guy/girl?
- Eminem - Business ( wtf? No.. Not at all... Idc about that )
4. How do you feel today?
- Eminem - The Real Slim Shady ( Lmao... xD That's fun )
5. What Is Your Life's Purpose?
- Eminem - Hailie's song ( The song talks about Love... So I guess this is life's purpose :P )
6. What is your motto?
- Eminem - On Fire ( Nahh this ain't my motto but I like the song xD)
7. What do your friends think of you?
- Chris Brown - Say Goodbye ( That is totally random, I hope my friend's don't think I beat my GF like Chris did lmao )
8. What do you think of your parents?
- Eminem - 8 Mile Road ( That isn't that Random but I don't wanna leave a comment )
9. What do you think about very often?
- Eminem - My Band ( No... If it was Eminem - Corina, yea that would be right even if the song doesn't exist xD)
10. What is 2+2?
- Eminem - When I'm gone ( 2+2=[When I'm Gone] ? yea sounds reasonable...)
11. What do you think of your best friend?
- Eminem - I am not afraid ( Well me and Jane where used to sing the chorus all over again, and since the chorus says "...together, whatever weather, cold or warm, just let you know you are not alone" yeah I am sure I am never alone with her )
12. What do you think of the person you like?
- Drake ft. Kaney West, Lil Wayne & Eminem - Forever ( I like this test now :P )
13. What is your life story?
- Eminem - My Mom ( This is freaking hilarious :lol:
14. What do you want to be when you grow up?
- 50 Cent - P.I.M.P ( Lol Thanks Anita for tagging me and making me to do the test, this is madness xD)
15. What do you think of when you see the person you like?
- Usher - You Got it Bad ( This is strange... When I saw this question I thought of this song... I wrote different lyrics for her on this song, same music and sang it to her before some months... This test is awesome )
16. What will you dance to at your wedding?
- Eminem ft. Dr.Dre - Forget About Dre ( No way... If I dance this in my wedding I can see the divorce in-coming )
17. What will they play at your funeral?
- Chris Brown - Changed Man ( This ain't cool... I am changed man from the time I met her... )
18. What is your hobby/interest?
- Eminem - **** ( LMAO this is hilarious. I hope I won't get banned for this... -.- I will blame Anita )
19. What is your biggest fear?
- Lil Wayne ft Eminem - Drop The World ( Hmmm... )
20. What is your biggest secret?
- Eminem - No Apologies ( This is not really a big secret... But unfortunately something that only people I had friendship with them met... )
21. What do you think of your friends?
- Eminem - Lose Yourself ( Lol what o_O? That doesn't make sence )
22. What will you put as the title?
- Damiam Marley - Road To Zion ( Meh... That song is just sad... )
I ain't feeling like tagging people. But the test was pretty awesome even with the music I hear. So if people would like to do it. Go for it.
Join my Union.
by Leviathan620 on Comments
Everyone join my union :D:D:D Actually everyone who wants :P I just hope you guys want... Lmao o.O Well that's my Union
Oh by the way, the seven sins are the followed: Wrath, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth, Envy, Pride, Greed.
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