This.Oregon Trail
Levrar's forum posts
yea that is weird.
Don't know what my K/D was in COD 4, but in WaW it got insane because I went sniper and regularly got 10+ kill streaks. Such epic sniper battles in that game. Loved the big maps.
Now in Black Ops i have a terrible K/D which is unusual for me, although i'm hoping it will improve now that I have fixed the lag. I find it frustrating that in kill cams everyone's guns seem to have like 0 recoil but the ones i'm using (Enfield, M16, M14) all seem to have insane recoil. Just got the grip for my M14 and the perk that allows for 2 attachments so i'm hoping that will help.
Same here. Damn, I loved W@W, that game was so good. Anyways, try the FAMAS out, and maybe play some hardcore. The M14 wrecks there. :)
The Commando is pretty good, I prestiged earlier today and miss it already. :(
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