LightReflection's forum posts
Yes. YES. Nailed it.Best FPS gameplay I have witnessed in a long time.
This is how FPS were intended to be played. You are a man behind the gun feeling every step, feeling like you are carrying the weapon plus 40 lbs of military stuff on you, feeling the recoil of your gun after every fire, and the most satisfying thing of all, watching enemies die in withering pain after being blasted by bullets.
GoldenEye on the 64 had some weight to it, the gun bobbled and weaved at your every step and it was difficult to turn. Perfect Dark also had it. This was Rare's idea that you are the person behind the gun, not a floating gun. But then FPS started to ignore the character behind the gun and focus on the gun itself which had not relevance to the characters movement. KZ 1 also did it but no one paid attention.
This is how a next gen FPS is supposed to play, It is time to get rid of twitch shooters because you cant turn so fast or pull off accurate shots with a automatic 200 yards away. It is time to stop focusing on the gun but who is behind the gun.
Great post.For goodness sake. Criticizing it for not being something it's not even trying to be is hogwash and poppycock. It seems like you're trying to tell me games should be judged by the same criteria as movies, which is just asinine. Games aren't movies. Surely the media is capable of featuring complex, emotional stories and characters though. I too would like to see developers placing greater importance on this aspect. Particularly the idea of non-linear, interactive storytelling, which I find rather fascinating. Would like it if games were to sprawl out in that direction, but I wouldn't really mind if games were to continue being just games either. Or whatever the hell things like flower and Noby Noby Boy are. Luckily games (and movies) can be great entertainment without putting emphasis on "emotion" and "artistic value". If you can't appreciate that I feel sorry for you.
Goldene Eye is the Holy Grail of Console FPS! Perfect Dark is just perfection of the Holy Grail.DibdibdobdoboThis is it in a nutshell.
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