"There's much more to the Killzone 2 engine than deferred rendering and screen passes; in fact, Arjan mentioned that every composite that is rendered within the game is placed solely upon the SPUs to lock in the framerate at a solid 30 FPS. During small battles, one or two SPUs will pick up a majority of the action, but during heavy firefights with large explosions and numerous characters onscreen, all six SPUs will pick up the load and balance everything accurately. Surprisingly, even within the heaviest firefight onscreen, Arjan pointed out that the largest load on each one of the SPUs didn't exceed 60%, which ensured that the framerate remained consistent throughout the game. On top of this, Arjan pointed out everything from light bloom and internal lens reflection effects to true geometric particles that fly from walls and collide with the ground realistically based on the direction of an explosion."
Looks like the Cell is showing its worth in this one.
Even the shotgun – that staple of the FPS genre – just isn't that compelling. This thing doesn't feel like raw death in your hands. It feels like slapping someone with wet newspaper. Slapping them very very hard with a semi-automatic newspaper, of course, but a slap nonetheless.IGN
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