It's not good, but it's not a gamekiller or anything by any means. I played a bunch of great original levels tonight, and that was just on the first page.
Nope, never got into the MGS series. Bought it on the success of the PS2 and for FFXIII. (before it was announced multi-plat)
That sounds promising. I'm not a huge FPS fan but if it does score well I might think to pick it up considering it won't make it to PC.
Graphically it looks good but I can't see the gameplay being anything groundbreaking. It'll score a 9 at best, I'm predicting an 8.5.
Yea the spacesuit and jackolantern head are free today on psn.sa10kunYup.Picked them up this morning.
I've been gaming since Commodore 64 days and I'd say FFVII is my favourite RPG. It's not a popular opinion but there you go.
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