Wow, very close poll. I voted JPRGs, I've been a fan of them for most of my life and I've always loved (most of) their stories and the turn-based gameplay. (Even though not all JPRGs are turn-based)
I'm not one to mention damage control but there is a lot of it about. Kind of feel sad for people that can't be happy for PS3 owners as I am for any other console owner who get a good game. Says a lot about a person's maturity. But this is System Wars I guess.
I've just got it preordred from an online store I've been with for years, I don't really care about any collectors stuff or anything. As long as I have the game I'll be a happy camper.
Are Europe also getting it on Feb 5? Any word on that? I'm in Australia, I'm used to getting things late so it wouldn't surprise me if we didn't get one until after the game releases.
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