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LinconSixEcho Blog

When will it get better?

I swear. The online community is getting worse. For every good lobby that has polite and good gamers, there is 20 more that have these ignorant, racist, immature jerks of all ages.

I know people can say, 'stop playing if it bothers you.' Then those jerks win if I do that. Besides, aren't I entitled to play without fear of enduring malleable people?

I am anxiously awaiting the day where we as a society push back and say no more to people who have no accountability for their actions.

Glitchers seem to win.

So, I was playing Team Defender the other night and was trying to go for the flag when I realized that no one on either team could access the flag. Why? Because someone grabbed the flag and placed it in a spot in where it glitched into a wall and therefore can't be taken. This happened for several matches and it's usally the team that was winnig to begin with that does this gltich. What the hell is going on these days with these player that are ruing the games for others?

I know that they are having a laugh with their obnoxious attitudes. I know that I can also blame Activsion for not seeing this coming but then again, they can only prepare for so much when a game releases.

Team Defender was one of my favorite game types and now I have to fall back on Hardcore Domination and Hardcore Kill Confirmed until a patch is released.

Recently, i heard a guy online admit that he glitches and cheats because it's "fun".

You, little boy, are pathetic.

Why is it so important?

I'm really trying to understand what the bid deal is about people being so competitive online with games like Halo and Call of Duty.

We all know that I play objective based games like Capture the Flag, Domination etc. I am the player that goes out into the field and scouts out the locations of the enemy team and calls out their location(s). If I die during the process then it's no big deal to me since I really don't care about my k/d ratio. I want my team to win. Keep in mind, I play with a bunch of other guys who I have met over the years on Xbox Live. We have built a solid team and our goal is to win in objective based games. I would have to honestly say that we win 8 out of 10 times. We don't gloat unless prodded by some juvenile who makes some sort of statement that is just uncalled for. In recent weeks, there seems to be an uprising of those who are caring about their k/d ratio. I've ranted about these types of players in the past. "You might have won but the majority of your team went negative in kills," is what is usually uttered. Not in that polite terminology.

Again, I ask, then why aren't you playing team death match where it actually matters what your kill count is? Oh, that's right, because you don't have the skill to survive in a game where that is the main focus whereas objective game types the other players are focused on gaining the point while you sit/camp and giggle about it while calling yourself MLG.

I try to take a step backward and think what is going on in the loves of these sorts of players and guess that perhaps their lives aren't great. Maybe they have horrible jobs, maybe they don't have a job, maybe mommy and daddy are just pricks are take out their aggressions on the kid and hence that kid takes out his angst against the online community where the cycle continues.

Whenever I bring up the fact that the real world doesn't care about the k/d ratio or even the win/loss ratio of any game, I am met with an awkward silence and there are a few who will cheer for that statement. Others will just give that ridiculous, "whatever" comment that somehow ends the conversation.

If there is anyone out there who can truly give me insight to what I am missing with this mentality then please enlighten me.

Star Wars fell to the Dark Side

With the release of the Star Wars series onto Blu Ray tomorrow, it occurred to me that I am not truly excited as I should be for the HD format. Keep in mind that back in 2004, I anxiously antcipated the release of the Star Wars series on DVD the day before my birthday. I had planned to have a basic Star Wars marathon that weekend. Hey, I was single back then, what else was I supposed to do, hit on girls or something?

I watched the DVD's and still winced at various scenes that Lucas had decided to "change" like the Cantina bar scene where we all know that Han shot first but was now showing that Greedo shot first and Han Solo possessed some sort of Jedi reflex and dodged that blast with a slight twitch from his neck. What came to a WTF? moment was when I got to the end of Return of the Jedi and saw that ghost scene in where Obi Wan, Yoda and Anakin Skywalker look upon Luke with pride to signify that he brought balance to The Force. I couldn't believe my eyes when instead of seeing the older Anakin Skywalker who was played bySebastian Shaw, there was Hayden Christensen standing there all sparkly with a smug look on his face!

This brings me to what I was originally talking about, the release of the Blu Ray editions of Star Wars. If anyone remembers (or was even paying attention) to when I first reported the release date of the set, I was extremely excited of this news. I couldn't wait to see some lightsaber action in incredible HD quality that would make my eyes explode like the Death Star. Yes, I was going to have to endure that changes that Lucas had previously made to the other editions like where Boba Fett is hitting on some dancer in Return of the Jedi (the Fett doesn't hit on chicks. They come to him and he threatens to Wookie slap them if they don't leave him alone). Now, Lucas has done it again with adding "little" things in here and there that might not be noticeable to some but are a big eye sore to others. One of my biggest issues is that in the end of Return of the Jedi, Vader looks on as the Emperor maliciously throws lighting at Luke. In the original, we see Vader look to his master and then back to his tortured son and then silently chooses the life of his son over service to the Dark Side. Vader picks up the Emperor and tosses him down the chasm. In the new edition, Lucas decided to add in Vader exclaiming, "Noooo!" as he picks up the Emperor. And yes, you can tell that it was dubbed in. If this was a spoiler in anyway then, it's your fault for reading this article.


There are other changes that are scattered throughout that I'm not going to address because you have things to do and I could really nerd rage for a few pages. Why does Lucas feel the need to give his original trilogy a face life or a tummy tuck after all these years? The original trilogy could have stood the test of time without changing the scenery. Sure, I understand the need to put into some minor effect touch ups to make the colors pop or make the look of outer space have a deep black but to change character development in a way that makes a cringe?

Here's an idea for Lucas when he wants to alter his movies; go back and remove Jar Jar, that long ass pod race scene (seriously, it was TEN minutes long) and dub in some better romantic dialogue in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith!!

You never see writers going back to their popular novels and touching up stuff only to release it. You'll never see The Portrait of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde updated with Dorian having his portrait actually being on an iPad that's hidden in a vault that's within a panic room upstairs.

Lucas, I thank you for giving me some great inspiration as a child with your wonderful imagination that was well translated through your original movies, however, you're destroying the magic that I savored originally.

What ever happened to something for the imagination?

What happened to the days where a person went into a movie only knowing scenes that were briefly shown in trailers or on TV? I'm talking about when trailers briefly grazed the surface of the movie without really spoiling it? Remember back when you saw the original Matrix trailer? You had no idea of what it was truly about but the collage of action and special effects scenes made viewers guess about the plot and what to expect. Or how about when you saw the 'magic trick' scene in The Dark Knight? I know I was shocked by that sudden scene and I was talking about it with others for a couple of weeks.

Captian America, Cowboys and Aliens and other recent movies flood various television channels with ads about their movie that some actually reveal the ENDING if the viewer is paying attention. I know that this is the day and age in where people are have their faces stuck in their smartphone of tablet and his or her attention span doesn't last for more than 15 seconds but why should the rest of the potential audiences suffer?

The blame falls upon reviewers as well. When Roger Ebert reviewed the movie SUPER, he revealed some major spoilers. I'll chalk that up to him getting up there in the years.

In the past three weeks, there has been a lot of media blitz regarding THE DARK KNIGHT RISES. Between, Warner Brothers releasing photos of Catwoman and Bane and then the phone videos of filming some major scenes, my true desire for this movie has dimmed slightly since seeing the teaser trailer that was shown with the recent Harry Potter movie.

I am aware that not everyone memorizes a trailer or photos like I seem to do but if those trailers and photos are constantly pushed in front of our faces then by the time you so see the movie, you are not really enjoying the film so much as expecting the scenes that you have been subjected to throughout the production of the film.

Videogames are seemingly following this trend when it comes to adventure games like Batman: Arkham City or Uncharted 3. Yes, videogames are considered to be the same form of entertainment like a movie and can have major plot ruined if there is too much coverage.

There is obviously nothing that can be done for the time being since I think this will be a phase and will pass. The question is, how long will this phase last?

Then why are you playing?

I know that it seems that the majority of my writtings are somewhat negative but keep in mind, I am trying to understand the frame of mind of those players that I encounter online or in forums.

The other evening I decided to play some Modern Warfare 2 (MW2) because I had reached 15th prestige in Black Ops and figured that it was time to revisit MW2.

I jumped into a Ground War match and as expected, there were not many people playing with mics. In fact, the two people with microphones were on my team and one was talking with his friend. I usually tolerate frustrated game rants where people vent about their frustrations of said game. I normally complain about how MW2 seems to have the Noob Tube as the default gun and Riot Shield as a secondary.

Anyway, it was a game of Domination and I voiced that the enemy was moving toward point B. I was then told to "Shut up, you game nerd!"

"Excuse me?" I said. "I was just trying to convey the location of the enemy."

"You're a nerd." That statement was followed by that paticular guy laugh that is annoying to everyone else.

"Listen, little boy," I said.

"I'm not a little boy," he snapped.

"You're calling anyone who is playing this game a nerd and yet you are playing it right now with full awareness of the features that the game has. I think you are a hypocrite, kid."

"You're just a nerd," was all that he could say.

"And you're muted."

I have discovered that once you tell someone that they have been muted that this action takes away their power and pisses them off even more. Within a minute or two, the player left the match while his friend stayed was pretty much polite and didn't attack me on behalf of his friend.

Another Day of Confusion.

Yes, this might come off as another rant of frustration but to this day no one has bothered to explain to me as why these actions continue.

My first frustration(s) deal with the online community of playing Black Ops. Just when I had thought I had peaked with being annoyed with this and that, there come two new factors. I play Hardcore Headquarters on COD because it requires teamwork (for the most part). In the past couple of weeks I have noticed that usually the other team isn't even trying to go for the objective of capturing the headquarters. They are just going for kills and padding their overall K/D ratio. I know that my team isn't doing this because I almost always play with the same group of people each night.

We endure the camper who is stocking on his/her kill streaks to unleash them later. I understand this tactic for the most part but it's a double edged sword when arguing this. What I don't understand is that at the end of the match and we have the victory, the other team is usually saying that they raped us and all that other gibberish that comes from sore losers. When we state that the game shows that we clearly won, the sore losers point out that they got more kills.

Really?! It's an objective game. If you are going for kills then PLAY Team Death Match and gloat then. As I try to wrap my mind around the mentallity of these players it occurred to me that perhaps these guys just plain suck at TDM and feel justified in playing a game type where the other players are focused on something else and therefore pick off players.

My second issue is about the surge of gamers using cheats. Yes, I have addressed this subject before but it's something that plagues me. I've recently seen a YouTube video where it shows a modded controller that can be ordered and the fire rate is simply ridiculous. As I watched the demo, I'm thinking that whatever player is using this mod will be exposed in any Killcam, replay video etc. I'm sure if someone were to call the cheating player out on the mod then the response would be "shut up *insert homosexual or racial slur here*"

Why is it when a cheater is caught doing something wrong they respond with anger?

I've also seen various videos that show how to order mods for the Xbox and PS3 that enable aimbots and shooting through walls. Again, really?! How can a cheater truly say that they spanked me online when they cheated? How can they brag to others on how "good" they are while knowing that they didn't do it because of skill?

Yes, there are people out there who would tell me, "then don't play". My response would be, why should I sacrifice my legitimate enjoyment of a game because of an immature puke that shouldn't be playing the game in the first place?

The Art of Skill

I purchased Marvel vs Capcom 3 because I hadn't played the series since the year 2000 in the arcades and then on the Sega Dreamcast. I played against friends and strangers that you could actually see and respect.

Welcome to the year 2011 where the art of skill has gone the way of intelligence on The Jersey Shore. I decided to play some online ranked matches because I was thinking that it would be fun to take on some challengers that would have skill.

I should have known better.

The first few matches were nice and were close ones both for myself and my opponent. After each match I would say good game and hear nothing in return. Seems that no one uses their headset these days and who can really blame them? Anyway, I was on a four win streak and was excited that I only had to win one more match to get an achievement. Suddenly EVERY opponent I faced would simply spam projectiles across the screen to where I couldn't even move. My health was being chipped away so that when the timer expired the player with the most health won by default.

I expected this kind of game behavior when I purchased the game. I'm fully aware that there are "little" kids who think themselves as "MLG" because they camp in FPS's or spam inescapable moves in fighting games. I never expected to run into these players six times in a row. I grew up in New York and now live in California and I know from arcade experience that this kind of player behavior wasn't tolerated lightly. A player who spammed would be called out on that kind of behavior and shamed in front of everyone in the arcade. Yeah, I know there are some of you out there that are saying, "Whatever, no one would tell me how to play." When you are surrounded by a group of people who are calling you out on your cheap ass game play, you are gonna rethink your attitude and how you play. Someone explain to me what these gamers walk away with when they play online like that? Normally, I would admit that they are getting my reaction online but I can honestly say that I mute my microphone so that they cannot feed off my frustration and anger. Never feed the trolls.

I shall persevere and continue to play online games despite the Lindsay Lohan's of the gaming world (you can figure out the reference).

Where is a good sport?

So the other night I was playing Black Ops and I was on a hot streak with 35 kills and 3 deaths. I normally don't care about my k/d ratio but there are times as a gamer that you are just proud of a winning streak. I had the highest score out of both teams and yes, I carried my team to victory but I don't gloat in the post game lobby by claiming my team sucks or whatever. It's just a game.

Anyway, I said, "Good game." to everyone and then someone said, "Suck my ____!"

Then I was accused of camping and or hacking. Calmly, I told the player that there was a neat Theater mode feature in where he could replay the match and see that I was not camping and instead rushing around the map, picking off him and his teammates. It seems when you present that sort of logic it only infuriates that poor sport even more.

My point being is why is it when players win then they claim that they are "MLG" or whatever but if they lose then the winning team is accused of cheating, lag switching or modded controllers? Yes, I've been on the other end of getting spanked in matches on Halo or COD and have felt that there was cheating that had ensued but I also knew I had to accept that there are times when the better player wins. Even in those cases when I lose I will say, "Good game." Sometimes, this disarms the opposing team and they reciprocate the kind gesture and then there are other times where they just tell me that I was "raped". Really? Your team only won by hundred points and the timer ran out. I would hardly call that a huge win.

Is it so hard to be polite these days? Since when is it a badge of honor to be ignorant?

Why is it so hard to be a good sport?

Is Online gaming fair or fun to play anymore?

I've been playing online games for consoles since the original Dreamcast back in 1999. It was then that I learned of "camping" and online thieves (Phantasy Star Online). However, overall, it was a great experience that kept me coming back for more play because the fun shadowed the bad.

It wasn't until summer of 2005 that I got an Xbox Live account and started playing Halo 2 with its online community and it was there where I met the ignorant and childish players who were taking the game far too seriously. Often I would be scolded if my k/d ratio wasn't positive after a match.

Then the cheaters were introduced to me; the ones who would exploit a glitch in a map to their own advantage and kill players while being safe from harm. I was part of matches where players would lag switch and tilt the match to their own advantage. I would usually quit since I pride myself on being an honest gamer.

It seems that these days, the online gaming world is FULL of cheaters. I am sure that they would call themselves something else but let's face it, they are cheaters.

It's bad enough that there are seemingly little kids online that are screaming into the microphone or playing some insane music that no one wants to hear but it is more annoying when you are playing a FPS and you have dead aim on a opponent and they simply turn and shoot you with one shot after you have emptied an entire clip into them. Or I can talk about the Aim Bot programs that people are putting into their Xbox that allows them to kill you if they are merely pointing in your general direction. And it has only been in recent weeks since I have been playing Black Ops that I am watching kill cams to see that gamers are using modded controllers to their advantage. Seeing someone using a pistol that is now a fully automatic weapon is frustrating to no end.

What are these people thinking when they perform such acts? Do they think of themselves as pros or something? I've asked a player why they are using a modded controller and the response was, "Because I can." He had no shame whatsoever!

I used to look forward to signing in online for a couple of hours of games because it is a stress relief but when you have some pathetic douche online telling you how they beat your ass because they used a cheat, mod or lag switch, then where is the fun? I always find it amusing when another team loses, there is usually one player who claims my team was camping or something but if his team wins then they are pro.

I loved the guy the other night who was on the winning team on Black Ops and he was in last place with a six kill and zero deaths, he was saying, "That was too easy." I finally said, "Coming from the guy who joined the match in the last five minutes? I wouldn't be bragging, kid." He shut up.

My point with this post is that will there come a point when these cheaters, cyber bullies and internet gangstas will ruin it for everyone and the real players will find other things to do? Or will the true players have to succum to the Dark Side and mod their controllers as well. Trust me, I have thought about it in recent days but luckily I still have a sense of honor and integrity.

For the time being anyway.

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