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Modern Warfare 2 and no thanks to the fans.

I'm not going to fill this post with a lot of words to "hear" myself talk, I am going to get straight to the point.

November, 2009 proved to be a VERY good month for Modern Warfare 2. To date the game has made a billion dollars worldwide. I can accept that there were A LOT of glitches that shouldn't have been in the game to begin with if there had been proper testing done before its release.

After three months, these glitches that ruined the overall experience of the game were fixed without a formal apology. Yes, I think gamers were owed that much.

On March 30th the new map pack for MW2 will be released. This pack has three new maps and two that were from the previous MW game. The price is $15. The entire community is upset because the price is steep for three new maps. It's my opinion that the two old maps should've been given as a thank you for making Activision a lot of money.

I had a feeling that this would happen eventually. Developers forgetting that it's the fans that make them who they are. You can't one without the other.

There is no boycotting these maps because we all purchase them because we want to be part of the MW2 online play and not feel left out. The company is counting on this.

Sooner or later these companies will go too far and see that the fans have limits. The outcome will be when a company like Activision releases Modern Warfare 3 or 4 and gamers aren't flocking to make it the hottest selling game of all time. I am sure that the company will sit back and perhaps wonder where they went wrong or lay blame on ad campaign.

In the end, it's up to us gamers to say, GAME OVER.

Green Lantern is cast

Ryan Reynolds has been cast as Green Lantern. For those who don't know who he is, Ryan played in Blade Trinity, he was Deadpool in the Wolverine movie.

It will be interesting to see how Fox reacts to Ryan working for Warner Bros who is putting out the Green Lantern movie.

I can't say that I am eager for this movie because I think the story is rather limited and the character doesn't have a huge following like Batman or Superman does. However, time will tell.

Tron 2 outline

I just finished reading the Tron 2 outline and as much as I am looking forward to seeing this sequel to one of the most coveted movies of sci-fi.

The sequel needs work as it misses the feel of the original and makes itself too complicated for it's own good when the first one was easy to follow (and that was before internet and people became tech savvy).

I really wanted to see the Tron cyber world explored further with with the use of cell phones, portable gaming systems and home systems. Tron 2 hints at this but falls short.

Now keep in mind that this sequel is over a year away and that rewrites are being worked on as you read this. So, maybe next year at this time, I will be singing its praises.

Revenge of the Fallen review

Remember when the first Transformers movie was to be released in 2007 and we were worried that it just wasn't going to be good and yet it turned out to be one hell of a ride that we enjoyed?
Well, Michael Bay took those original fears, harvested them, nurtured them and made a sequel.
I won't mince words here. I REALLY wanted to like this movie. I really did.
Set two years after the original Transformers, we find that the Autobots are secretly working with our government to track down Decepticons that are hiding out. It seems that all the public events that transpired at the climax of the first movie have been brushed off and witnesses seeing those robots are just gone.
Ok, I can digest that since it's a movie.
Sam (Shia LeBeouf) is heading off to college on the East Coast and is having a long distance relationship with Mikaela (Megan Fox). Why he doesn't go to a local college to be closer to her is beyond me...Oh wait, he hasn't grown a pair since the first movie.
Before he leaves for college, Sam decides to look at his old hoodie that he wore in the battle of the first movie and the clothing has a piece of the All Spark attached to it. Don't ask why he hadn't looked at this hoodie in two years. Upon touching the shard of the All Spark, Sam sees various robot symbols and makes him have fits of freak outs.
Meanwhile, Soundwave is monitoring all military chatter from space. You see, Soundwave is a satellite and he doesn't have that cool voice that he did in the cartoon. Soundwave hears a over chatty government official give the location of another piece of the All Spark and the exact location of Megatron who is still buried at sea.
Megatron is brought to live and is now after Sam because Megatron is working for another bad robot.
Optimus Prime tells Sam that there is a bigger war going on and that he needs Sam's help. Sam decides that he wants nothing to do with the war and whines. Really? You would think that after what he witnessed in the first movie, he would take heed to the warning. If I had a mom like his who truly trips out after eating a pot brownie then maybe I would whine too. Yes, this even does happen in the movie. I can't make this up.
The plot is thin but I wasn't expecting anything more. What I did get was annoyed by all the intentional clumsy/goofy characters that were jammed in and brewing through out the film. Granted, I liked Wheelie, the little robot who annoyingly cute because he had no loyalties.
The fights were entertaining since they were Matrix like but there were other times where it just looked CGI compared to the visuals of the original.
I had no real idea where this movie wanted to go because there were so many comic moments that got the children in the audience laughing hard. What wasn't funny was a giant Decepticon having a set of balls. Yes, those kind of balls.
I was waiting for the camera to pan across the screen and give us a shot of Christian Bale looking at the camera and saying, "It's a crappy movie, of course I'm here. Move along."
Michael Bay makes good movies like The Island, Bad Boys and Transformers but he should stay away from making sequels as proven in Bad Boys II and Revenge of the Fallen.
It was as if Bay drank a case of Mt. Dew and started directing all the while getting distracted by something shiny.
I do give credit to the musical score that was done by Steve Jablonsky who provides a haunting and moving soundtrack but is far different from the epic sounding music of the first film.
Normally, I like to stand out with my reviews and go against the grain and pick out what's good with a movie. Sadly, I have to agree with other critics and say Revenge of the Fallen will shatter expectations. With the majority of the action evolving boredom and characters that are beyond silly, you'll want revenge for paying for Revenge of the Fallen.
It's a cartoon come to life in a bad, bad way.
Now, please excuse me while I play with my Transformer toys, crying for better days.
We all know I do that anyway.

Thor is cast

I meant to post this yesterday but things have been kind of busy with working on the new novel.
Thor is going to be played by Tom Hiddleston. Who the hell is that, you ask? Well, kids, if any of you saw the recent Star Trek, he was George Kirk.
I also know that Loki who is a nemesis of Thor has been cast for Chris Hemsworth.
The movie is way off from now and I don't know the script as of yet.

Wolverine review

I'm going to say straight off that if you are a hardcore Wolverine fan then stay the hell away from this movie OR you can check your baggage at the door. Think of the movie like a new girlfriend, she can be fun and exciting but has her faults that you have to tolerate here and there.
This "origins" story is a cheap paint job that begins to crack immediately but that doesn't mean it isn't fun to look at before the faults set in.
Hugh Jackman reprises Wolverine with scowling fun that is only match and sometimes outdone by Sabertooth who is played by Liev Schreiber. When these two characters are at odds it's fun and gruff banter that ensues.
There are other mutants in this movie but they are seriously underplayed or warped so badly from the comic that even non-comic book fans will cringe.
There is plenty of action to be had in the majority of the movie and there is a small love plot that explains why Wolverine is so bitter by the first Xmen film. It's the last half hour that makes you realize that your new girlfriend isn't what she seems and you suddenly want to skip out fast.
But here is a piece of advice for directors of prequels...WATCH THE ORIGINAL MOVIES. It's called continuity and people notice when it's broken.
I'm a comic fan and I understand that when it comes to comic to movie translations, there are plot and character points that are lost or redone. If I was a hardcore geek then I wouldn't have loved The Dark Knight because they screwed up Joker's origins. You take it with a grain of salt.
Wolverine is a fun movie and take it at face value and nothing more.

Not the future we want.

Yes, I know I have done several April Fools jokes on some of you and I'm not remotely sorry. However, there are a ton of rumors running around, one of which being that Steven Spielberg is directing a remake of Back to the Future and it would have Shia Lebeouf as Marty and Johnny Depp as Doc Brown.
This is not true.

One of the jokes I did today was stating that there was a sequel to Nightmare Before Christmas coming out that would have the voices of Depp, Ewan Mcgregor and Ricky Gervais and music done by David Bowie.
I'm still laughing.

Karate Kid know Kung Fu

I'm still digesting the fact there is a remake coming of The Karate Kid and it will be starring the son of Will Smith and Jackie Chan as the teacher. I have nothing against either actor and wish them the best of luck with this project.
However, to add another insult to this movie, the title could be called The Kung Fu Panda...I mean, The Kung Fu Kid.
I remember when I was younger and lived on the East Coast, I sooooo wanted to move to California and meet some chick like Elizabeth Shue and go that awesome looking water slide that was in the movie. I wanted to more with Elizabeth but I can't really describe those details without giving everyone the case of the giggles or nightmares.

Nintendo DSi usless without games.

I have to admit that I'm excited about the Nintendo DSi that comes out next month but what good is it without games that can utilize the new features?

Yes, I know I can upload music onto it and use that as an MP3 player, I know that it has a web browser and I know that it has cameras; all of which I have on my iPhone right now.

I want the DSi but can't justify spending $180 when my current DSlite is just fine. So far, the American launch of the DSi doesn't have any games that are making itch to REALLY want the new system.

I'm sure that developers are hard at work at some titles as I write this and will have them out in time for a November release but in the meantime, I'll admire the new DSi from afar and enjoy my current and nearly perfect DSlite.

Resident Evil 5 falls short?

I've been anxious for the upcoming Resident Evil 5 but have become disheartened because of the news that the campaign is about six hours long. And that's taking your time.

What's going on here? $59 warrants more than six hours of game!! Hell, Force Unleashed was 8 hours long and I passed on that one after being almost as anxious for that game.

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